Another Mammoth and Possums

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The Ice Age is coming to an end. The warm forests are like the sound of music to the ears. The ice begins to melt into water and evaporates into the air. Many animals are joining the fun in the water ice slides. Nothing like the sound of peace was quiet. Well at least, but one. 

Silver was living in the wild now. Two months ago, Silver had lived with the tribe a long time ago. After her family was separated, she met some wild animals and were taking care of her. Silver now lived in the forest for all her life. She had been gathering materials, hunting animals and living a happy life. Silver was the only human who lived in the wild now. At least nothing could go wrong.

"Help! Help! Help!"

Silver heard tiny voices and saw that two small possums were running away from a saber tooth tiger. Silver bent down and lifted her arm for the small mammals to get behind her. It's funny that she never met a possum before. The two poke their heads from behind her shoulders. Silver knew about them. Diego and Sid. But she didn't notice that Manny was there and another mammoth.

"Well, shave me down and call me a mole rat. You found another mammoth," Sid exclaimed.

The female mammoth was alarmed. "Where? Wait a minute! I thought mammoths were extinct!"

Silver looked at the female mammoth for a while before she went to Manny's side.

"What are you lookin' at me for?" the mammoth asked.

"I dunno. Maybe because you're a mammoth?" Manny guessed.

"Me? Don't be ridiculous! I'm not a mammoth! I'm a possum!"

Manny narrowed his eyes. "Right. Good one. I'm a newt." He gestures to his friends. "This is my friend the badger. And my other friend the platypus."

"Why've I gotta be the platypus?!" Sid asked. "Make him the platypus!"

Silver nodded her head, agreeing with him as the possums climbed down her body and onto the mammoth female's tusks. The one with the blue eyes spoke. "This guy giving you trouble, sis?"

"Sis?" Everyone exclaimed in shock while Silver raised an eyebrow.

"That's right," the mammoth nodded her head and gesturing to her brothers. "These are my brothers. Possum, possum, possum."

Silver could tell. She pointed at the mammals by the correct form. Possum, Possum, mammoth.

"You're quite a funny girl," she giggled as she petted her trunk on her head.

"I don't think her tree goes all the way to the top branch," Manny murmured.

"Manny, brink of extinction's a bad time to be picky," Sid replied, suddenly he had an idea. "Hey, she should come with us."

"Are you insane? No way," Manny declined.

"Okay," Sid nodded, ignoring him before he turned to the mammoth. "Manny wants me to ask you if you'd like to escape the flood with us."

The twins climb down from the female and onto the ground, glaring.

"I'd rather be road kill," the brown eyed one glared to Diego.

"That can be arranged."

The female mammoth pulled the possums back to her trunk and moving them away. "Funny. Let me have a little word with my brothers," she told them.

She moved the two brothers away from the herd as Silver listen to them speak. She understand that the names are Ellie, Crash and Eddie.

"Ellie, are you crazy? We're not going with them," Eddie protested angrily.

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