Two Sea Monsters

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The herd took toward the icy lakes. The ice seemed strong enough to hold them. Even though a little bit of water was melting they couldn't ignore this.

"Diego, there are whole continents moving faster than you. Let's go!" Manny called after Diego. "We gotta catch up with the others."

Crash and Eddie seemed to have a fun time. They are running, sliding around ice slides and playing around. Silver wanted to join the fun. She started to skate around the ice for a while and giggled.

"Hey. Knock it off," Diego growled.

"Oh, cry me a river, blubber-tooth tiger. Have some fun," Crash insisted the saber.

"Can't you see the ice is thin enough without you two wearing it down?" 

"Ah, Diego, come on," Sid comforted him. "The ice may be thin, but it's strong enough to hold a ten-ton mammoth and a nine-ton possum."

Silver couldn't agree more, since she knew that the ice was strong enough to hold them down.  But then something swam in the water. The human froze for a moment, sensing something is near. She turned her head as she saw a fin emerging from the water. Something big was in the water. She doesn't know what it was but she knew she was hallucinating. She snapped out of it when Eddie and Crash run in front of her. All of a sudden, a massive giant sea monster bursts though and crashes into the ice.

"Mammal overboard!" Sid cried and landed into the water.

Diego begins to hang on the ice cap with his claws dug in. One of the sea monsters, a Cymbospondylus, snarled at Silver. Silver snarled back at it. The ichthyosaur dove right into the water and chases Manny under the ice. Ellie is playing dead on an ice float when Crash and Eddie run up to her.

"Ellie, get up!" Eddie cried.

"If you play dead, you'll be dead. Look at me!"

Crash slapped Ellie's eyeball and she woke up with a start. She then got back up to her own feet and ran. On the other side Sid was struggling to swim as the pliosaur was getting closer. Silver swam toward and pushed Sid onto the iceberg where Diego was holding onto.

"Come on, Diego. Come on," Sid groaned. He tried to move Diego but he won't move. Finally, he had no choice. "This may sting a little."

He bites into Diego's tail, Diego and Sid make a break for it as the pilosaur chases them, jumping in and out of the water to catch them. However, Diego and Sid manage to reach the safety of land and the green sea monster is defeated. He glares at them before sliding back into the water. Sid collapses beside Diego, relieved to be still alive. Silver looked around for the sea monster. There the ichthyosaur chased after her. Silver jumped into the water and began to wrestle the sea monster. She then kicked him away before heading to shore.

Manny looked around for the ichthyosaur who is nowhere in sight until she jumps out of the water in front of Manny. He backs away from her and the ice tilts because of his weight. The ichthyosaur uses this to her advantage and jumps into the air. She opens her hungry jaws but they get stuck on Manny's tusks which wedge her mouth open. Manny sees Ellie looking at him worriedly and puts on a determined look. He swings the ichthyosaur and throws her off, sending her flying over a chunk of ice and back into the water. Manny glares at her and the pilosaur before the duo swim away. Manny heads over to Sid, Diego and Silver. Well, half of them anyway.

"What in the animal kingdom was that?" Sid asked.

"I don't know," Diego wondered. "From now on, land - safe, water - not safe."

Silver agreed and they returned back to the forest.

"That was the bravest thing I've ever seen," Ellie said to Manny, impressed.

"It was nothing really. I..."

"It's not a compliment. To a possum, bravery is just dumb."

"Yeah, we're spineless," said Crash.

"Lily-livered," Eddie agreed.

"Maybe mammoths are going extinct because they put themselves in danger to all," Ellie guessed. "Maybe you should run away more."

"Good point. Thanks for the advice."

"Happy to help." And just like that, she left.

"Do you believe her? " Manny complained annoyed. "Bravery is dumb. Maybe you should run away more." She's infuriating and stubborn and narrow-minded."

"You like her," Sid smiled.

"I do not."

"Ah, don't worry. Your secret's safe with me. And so is yours." He had referred Diego about his fear of water.

"What secret?" Diego asked.

"You know, the one where you can't swim."

Diego shooked his head as he walked past a puddle to avoid getting wet. "That's ridiculous."

"Fine. But we're living in a melting world, buddy," Sid replied as he walked into the puddle. "You're going to have to face your fear sooner or later."

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