Flight in the air

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Pip, Crash and Eddie followed Buck to the end up the cliff where they saw the Lava Falls. Pip could see that the Lava was so far. Buck turned his head to the possums and saber tooth squirrel.

"Boys! Are you ready for adventure?" Buck asked them.

"Yes, sir!"

"For danger?"


"For death?

Pip seemed worried and so is Eddie and Crash.

"Uh, can you repeat the question?" Eddie asked, anxious and confused.

Without warning, Buck grabbed them. "Jump!" Then he leaped off the cliff, dragging a terrified, Crash and Pip who were screaming. Then they landed on a flying pteranadon that was in the air and Buck began to grab a hold of it.

"Have you ever flown one of these before?" Crash asked, holding Pip in his arms.

"No, first time actually," Buck answered, and they rode on to Lava Falls.

Manny and Diego trudged their way up to the top and can see Ellie and Silver up on the ledge where they have got to safety.

"There they are!" Diego called.

"Ellie! Silver!" Manny cried out to them.

"Manny!" Ellie cried.

Silver called out, waving her hands. From the dark, the raptors emerged snarling, hungry to eat the pregnant mammoth.

"I need to get to her!" Manny said, desperately.

Even though Manny is deperate yo save his wife, Diego thought up an idea.  "Listen, I'll protect Ellie. You stop those guys."


"Manny, if they reach her, it'll be too late. You have to trust me."

Manny paused and stared at Diego. Then he nodded. "All right. Let's do it."

Silver watches as Manny begins to defend the raptors below.. Looking over her shoulder, she can see Ellie, breathing heavily, trying to give birth to her baby. Suddenly, she heard a hiss. She looked and saw that a raptor had climbed its way to the ledge. It started to charge at them but before it could bite into their skin. Diego tackled it down, allowing Silver to stab it multiple times with her dagger until it died. Whew, he made it just in time.

Diego breathed a sigh of relief. "My paws are burning, baby! They're burning! I got to tip-toe. Tippy-toe. Tippy-toe."

"Excuse me, twinkle toes! Giving birth here?" Ellie asked annoyed.

Diego looked and saw that Ellie is still in labor. "Right. Sorry. " Walking toward her, Ellie began to groan in pain, much to the saber's concern. "You okay?"

"Am I okay?" Ellie asked. "Do you know anything about childbirth?"

"No, not really, but Manny's coming."

There was another roar, coming from the rapoters. Narrowing her eyes, Silver removed her second dagger from her belt as Ellie groaned in pain once more. 

"Diego, I'm scared? Can I hold your paw?" She asked weakly.

"Yeah, of course..." Diego nodded. He lifted his paw up to Ellie, only for her to grab it and squeezed hard. The saber winced in pain. "Just go with the pain."

Suddenly, Ellie saw one of the raptors coming and screamed.

"It's just a contraction," he reminded her.

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