The Tree Den

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The sun was just beginning to set beyond the sky. the two pterodactyls drop the mammals and Lily off to the ground. Lily senses that it was been quite a journey. 

Buck: It's not safe here girl. Better take off for the night. Be careful.

The two pterodactyls nodded their heads and they fly off into the sky. Lily looked around for where they had been taken too. I wonder where....

Crash: Where to next, Buck?

Buck: We're already here.

With a pull of a vine, they were knocked into the air by a makeshift hammer and right into the largest tree in the jungle. Lily got stuck in the trunk and the two possums and Pip are force to pull her out of there. After a while, the young human girl got back up on her feet and bumped her head of the tree's trunk. The blue glowing mushrooms shined above her head. Crash, Eddie, Lily and Pip looked over and saw that it was a den.

Eddie: Buck's bachelor den!

Crash: Talk about a possum paradise.

Lily got onto her knuckles to get through the den. For a human girl this big. She has never seen a giant tree before.

Buck: Hang on. Got to pay the cucumber for babysitting.

Eddie: Crash, would it be awesome if we could live here with Buck?

The possums begin to explore the den, admiring this place. There were skeleton models, fruit, claw models, and small trinkets.

Eddie: He's got everything.

Lily struggled to a void the tree and crawled carefully in the main den. A fireplace was nestled in the tree with objects that were collected on her left side. What captures her was a bone whistle. She picked it up and blew into is. It seemed hollow. Almost like a raptor call. Nearby, Buck was holding a orange pumpkin in his arms.

Buck: You remember my daughter?

Both: Bronwyn!

Crash: She's gotten so big and round.

Lily took a look. The  pumpkin has grown bigger since he saved her from the electric storm.

Buck: These are your uncle possums and sister. She doesn't remember you, because she was so young.

Eddie: And also cause she's a squash.

Lily agreed as Buck puts Bronwyn in the makeshift basket.

Crash: Buck, I know you like living alone here with your farm fresh daughter. But would it be nice to have a couple of roommates?

Eddie: Free pumpkin care.

Crash: And we charge less than cucumbers.

Buck just shook his head.

Buck: Sorry boys. I'm a solo operator who can't be tied down. You can stay until I stopped Orson, but after that, I'm gonna find a way to get you back home

Eddie: Maybe we can help you stop Orson.

Crash: Dude, up top!

Lily snickered as Pip scurried down from her shoulder. If Orson wanted to stop them, they should have to battle him.


Meanwhile, the herd is looking for the others. Silver called for Lily as Amber searched the trees. Their daughter wasn't there.

Sid: I don't mean to be a negative Nancy, but they've been gone a while. Shouldn't we just be looking for bones at this point? I respectfully withdraw the question. Hey, you picked up their scent yet?

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