A meteor shower?

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As they argue, Silver looked up in the sky for a moment.  She could have sworn she saw a tiny light. Sid and Diego looked.

Sid: Uh... Does that look like a problem to you?

Diego: A ball of fire heading directly towards us? Why would that be a problem?

Manny: What if you fall in a ditch and get amnesia? What then, huh?

Diego: Manny, we have a problem.

Manny: Not now. I have a problem.

Diego:This one's a little bigger.

Manny: I don't think so.

Diego: Manny!

Manny: What?

Silver pointed at the meteor falling from the sky. Manny was horrified. He started to trip over and fell. The other mammoths are confused.

Ellie: Manny?

Manny got back up again.

Manny: Uh, okay. Party's over, everybody.

Animal: Hey!

He then tossed one of the drinks off the mammals hands for a second.

Manny: Have a good night. And leave right now!

Ellie: What are you talking about? The party just got started.

Manny: Yeah. [yawns] Just getting kind of sleepy. Everyone should go. And duck. Possibly cover!

Ellie: Hey, what's gotten into you?

Lily motioned Ellie for a split second. The little girl was whimpering.

Ellie: What's the matter, sweetie?

Ellie looked up and saw the meteor.

Crash!!! A giant meteor crashed down the ground like a knife. Everyone begins to panic. Silver picked Lily up and cradled her close. Many more meteorites begin to fall from the sky.

Animal: Look! There's more coming!

Animal 2: Meteor shower!

Eddie: [gasps] Meteor?

Crash: [sniffs] Shower?

Everyone animal started to panic as Pip scurried over to Silver's shoulder. The creamed squirrel seemed terrified. Silver held her close as the meteors hit the earth.

Mammal: [gasps] Manny's love is killing us!

Ellie: I suppose this is all part of your magic show for me?

Manny: [chuckles nervously] Abracadabra?

Peaches: Can you guys deal with this later?

Diego: Come on. We need to take cover.

Everyone agreed. Silver jumped onto Ellie while Amber jumped onto Manny. Lily was still held by Silver as Pip stayed on her shoulder. As they ran, Crash and Eddie grabbed one of the sticks as a fireball zoom pass.

Crash: Whoo-hoo! I'm on fire!

He then tossed the burning rock to Eddie whose stick caught on fire.

Eddie: Whoo-hoo-hoo! Me too! We're smoking hot, baby!

A asteroid hits near them causing the possums to go flying up into the air.

Ellie: Incoming!

Manny: Those are ours! 

Amber caught them by the hand as he leaned out. Eddie and Crash are okay.

Manny: Are you okay? How many tusks do you see?

Crash: Tree.


Crash: No! Tree!

Crash was right. A tree collapsed down at the gang but missed then another asteroid crashed rolled after them.

Manny: Everybody, jump!

They jumped down as the giant rock crashed into the ice. They quickly ran past it as Granny spread her arms saying 'whee.'

Manny: The cave! Get inside! Move! Move!

Everyone quickly got into the save just in time. Silver and Amber held Lily close. Peaches was scared. Crash and Eddie played dead and fainted, as Pip held the possums close.

Manny: It's okay, sweetheart. Daddy's...

Peaches was holding Julian close to her. Silver felt the same thing.

Sid: Hey, it sounds like it's slowing down.

He took a check though.

Sid: Yup, it's definitely over.

A meteor crashed in front of him.

Sid: Hehe...Except for that one.

Manny: We might wanna think about moving underground for a while.

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