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Buck: Okay, mammals. Let's stop here for the night.

Silver sighed and agreed setting her equipment down.

Manny: Stop? What about the whole end of the world collision thing?

Buck: Oh, asteroid's still a day off. And like my grandfather used to say... "Red sky at night, sailor's delight. Purple sky at night, who moved my foot cream? I need my foot cream." Grampy was a confused and angry weasel.

Nearby, Manny saw Diego chatting with Julian. They are getting to know each other.

Diego: You are so funny, J.

Julian: Stop! You're funny. Take it easy, my brother from a tiger mother.

Diego: Hasta manana, J-man.

After Julian left, Manny headed over to Diego.

Manny: What was that?

Diego: What was what? Oh, that! It's a cool way to peace out. Julian taught it to me.

Manny: Well, I'm glad the apocalypse is bringing you together.

Diego: He's a good kid, Manny. I like his philosophy. Give him a chance. Bond with him.

Ellie: Bonding! That's a good idea!

Manny: Oh, right. Got you.

Ellie: You take Julian. I got an idea for Peaches.

As Julian puts some logs to make a fire. Silver set Lily down on the ground. Amber lifted out the bag for the condor meat for them to feed on.

Manny: Hey, Bro-Kid.

Julian: Oh, hey, Bro-Dad. You here to rock out?

Manny: Okay. Instead of that... how about a game before bedtime?

Julian: No way! You want to play a game with me? Wow! What is honored times 1,000? No! Times one million? 'Cause whatever that equals, is how honored I am.

Manny: So, is that a "yes"?

Julian: Yes, that's a "yes." It's the most "yes"! It's like "yes" with a bunch of s's... so it's like "yessssssssssssssssssss."

Manny: Great! I'll see you on the ice!

He tossed a stick to Julian.

Manny: Happy?

Diego looked as Julian slipped over. He was trying to get in balance with the ice.

Diego: Oh, boy.


Silver lifted out her blanket to the ground as the rest of the girls prepare the night.

Ellie: So, do you think you're ready to go out roaming on your own?

Peaches: I won't be alone. I'll have Julian.

Ellie: Sure. But with asteroids home to speak of and absolutely no support you think you'll be ready for... this?

She then tossed Peaches something. It was Eddie covered with a leafy bundle.

Eddie: I'm a wittle baby. WAAH!!

Elie: Imagine. You're in the woods, looking for food... and your baby gets sick. What do you do?

Peaches: Uh...

Peaches tried to bounce Eddie up.

Ellie: No! Jiggling makes her feel worse!

Meanwhile, Crash tripped on a rock and pretended to cry.

Ice AgeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora