Mucus and the Carnivorous plant

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Meanwhile, Momma T-Rex plods through the jungle still carrying her captive and babies in her mouth. Sid is asleep when he wakes up and sees Momma T-Rex's feet below.

"AH! Oh, it's okay, it's okay. Don't worry, we're gonna be fine," he assured his kids.

After stopping at a clearing, the giant dinosaur looked around for her surroundings. She then lowered her cubs to the ground safely.

"See? She's putting us down... Whoa!!"

But instead, she pulled Sid back up in the air. She was still mad at Sid for taking her cubs.

"No! I'm too young to be eaten!" he cried.

The vine snaps and Sid ends up in her nose.

"Wow! Nice mucus. And I don't say that for everyone."

Momma T-Rex tries to get him out only to suck him further into her nose. She tries again to get him out, this time proving more successful by spewing him out onto a tree on a rocket of snot much to Eggbert, Shelly, Yoko's disgust. Sid falls onto a branch. He opens his eyes just in time to see Momma T-Rex's jaw coming towards him, ready to eat him again. Yelping in fear, he dodges out of the way and grabs another branch.

"Listen, these things get complicated," he tried to reason with her. "Maybe we can work something out. I can have them on Sundays to Tuesdays? Wednesdays to Fridays? Weekends!"

Momma T-Rex tries to eat him again but misses. Sid falls onto a branch, bounces off it then falls towards the others as they hurry out of the way but gets tangled up in some vines on the way down.

"Oh, it's okay. Momma's okay." He stopped before he came to face with Momma. "If you eat me, it will send a bad message."

Momma ignores him and was about to eat him but Eggbert, Shelly and Yoko protected him and growled.

"Hah! Score one for the sloth," Sid grinned.

Growling, Momma whacked her tail, sending Sid spinning around and got tied up.

"And the score's all tied up."

"Sounds like a Jungle of Misery to me," Eddie shivered.

Silver agreed. The jungle seemed quiet and peaceful enough to get through. They carry on as eyes appear out of plants around them and watch. Ellie stops, sensing they're being watched and looks back but the eyes quickly retract.

"Hold on."

Manny stopped to Ellie's attention. "Why, what's wrong? Peaches?"

"No, it's just I got a funny feeling."

"You're hungry," the mammoth guessed. "Low blood sugar! There's some fruit." He headed over to a small fruit plant clear out in the opening. Silver leaned to get a close look but realized there was danger.

"No, Manny!" Ellie tried to warn him as Diego walked up.

"I wouldn't do that, if I were you. This isn't exactly your playground."

"Like I'm going to be afraid of a pretty flower," Manny scoffed. He began to lift up his trunk and began to grab teh fruit.

All of a sudden, vines begin to sprout out from the ground, grabbing Manny and Diego by the leg. Underneath them the giant red petals began to emerge.

"Bet you didn't see that coming," said Diego.

The plant begins to swallow them up in a single gulp.

"For the record, I blame you for this."

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