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As morning came, Silver and the rest of the mammals woke up at dawn. Buck was already up now.

"All right, mammals," he announced. "Time to get moving. Now let's not linger on this, but, yes... I read the tablet wrong. The asteroid is a lot closer."

Silver agreed. She woke up Amber, Pip and Lily up to get moving. But something was missing.

"Wait a second. Where's Granny?" Sid asked. Looking around. She wasn't there and not even in the cave. "Oh. Granny? Oh, Granny?"

"Maybe she wandered off?" Manny guessed as Lily called out.

Shira: Maybe she got hit in the head with a puck?

Buck: Yes! And maybe she was abducted by homicidal 30-foot dino-birds... seeking revenge on me. All good theories. I'm going to go with the puck.

Silver was shocked. Feathers and footprints are scattered all over the snow. There were more dinosaurs out there.

Diego: I knew it! So this whole time we've been chased by giant dino-birds?

Buck: Oh, only three! I didn't want to damage morale.

Manny: Right. Because before this, we were on a carefree pleasure cruise.

Diego: Wait a second. I've got her scent. Come on!

Everyone went down the hill to look for the wise purple sloth. There they found a giant asteroid.

Buck: Mammals, we've made it! The crash site. This must be what's left of the previous asteroid.

Eddie: Uh, Buck? Your space rocks!

The bag flew out of Buck's grasp and onto the asteroid.

Buck: We could definitely divert the asteroid with a magnet that size! I mean that thing is enormous. It's massive, it's... ..

Manny: Going to be impossible to get off the ground.

Buck: It's entirely possible. In a way that we don't know about yet.

Crash: But what about the dino-birds?

Sid: And what about Granny?

Diego: Nothing.

Manny: I'm sorry, Sid.

Sid then begins to sob.

Sid: Oh, Granny. My sweet, malicious Granny. Why does it always have to be the old ones who go first? Why? I can still hear her sweet, shrill voice... shrieking from the afterlife.

Wait. A shriek? Silver looked up as a yell came from the meteor.

Ellie: Granny's alive!

Diego: And she's in trouble!

Everyone began to head over to the meteor and started searching.

Everyone: Granny? Granny?

There they found and entrance. Everyone entered inside. Silver could see that the cave of the asteroid was dark and black but leaving a purple glowing light. They turned around every corner and found her. Someone was massaging her.

Sid: Is she okay?

Diego: Uh, I'm not sure.

Sid was determined to get her back.

Sid: Unhand my Granny!

Granny: You do and you don't get a tip.

Ted: Making this beautiful sloth happy is all the payment I need.

Ice AgeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon