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The herd begins to travel though the jungles right to where they had started a few days ago. Silver knew this dinosaur would be fun.

"This is it, mammals and human girl," Buck declared. "Right where you started. This was fun. We could make it a regular thing."

"I don't know about that, said Ellie.

"Right, Right. Yes cos' of all the uh, mortal peril. Of-Course. Oh, well, the Buck stops here!" he turned his head to Silver. "Thanks Silver. You're the best human hunter I never had."

"We couldn't have done it without you," Manny smiled.

The weasel grinned.  "Well, obviously. But, good times, just the..." A heavy breathing noise caused him to stop. Something really big is in that cave. "We're not alone, are we?"

Everyone gasped as they saw a pair of red eyes glowing in the dark. Silver stepped back away from the creature inside as Buck draw out his knife.

"Hello, Rudy."

The creature begins to emerge out of the cave. The beast was much larger than Mama Dino, only a few inches longer and taller. His skin was grey with humps leading to the spine. His mouth was spoon shaped and his claws were black. On one side of his mouth was a scar Buck had ripped out his tooth.


Everyone begins to run away as the giant Baryonyx chomps his teeth. Silver ran the opposite away from the giant grey dinosaur. Rudy cornered the herd as he was about to eat them. Silver knew what the grey dinosaur wanted, to kill the herd and the baby. Buck came along holding out his knife where Rudy's broken tooth was tied.

"Over here, you colossal fossil!" he shouted. "Looking for something? Why don't you come and get it? To the cave! Go!"

Rudy turned his attention to Buck, licking his scar wound from his mouth. With him chasing Buck, the weasel started to run deeper into the jungle. Silver and the herd can't leave Buck behind to be eaten, they had to help him.

"Stay with the baby," Manny told Ellie.

"We'll be fine. Go!"

And with it, everyone ran on to help Buck. Silver could see Rudy trying to kill Buck. Rudy tries to squish Buck with his feet but misses twice before finally managing to score a direct hit. Buck's knife lands in the ground. Rudy smiles down at his foot, thinking he's won, but then Buck pops out from between his toes.

"Pop goes the weasel!"

Buck jumps out of Rudy's toes and grabs his knife. He tries to run away but Rudy flicks him into the air with his tail.

But just as Rudy is about to swallow Buck whole, Silver leaps in and saves Buck just as Rudy's jaws snap shut. Silver snarled at Rudy with her blue eyes. Getting an idea, Buck runs over to a group of moths.

"Shoo! Shoo! Come on! Move!" he shouted.

The moths fly into the sky swarming around Rudy. Manny and Diego run into view with some vines.

"Diego, catch!" Manny called out, throwing a vine to the saber.

"I got it."

Silver raised her dagger and started cutting some nearby vines. Everyone continues to tie Rudy up in the vines, being cautious of his feet and claws. Sid ties his vine around Rudy's foot.

"Through the hole, over the valley. One more loop."

"Come on lads, heev!" Buck called.

Everyone pulled the ropes and the grey Baryonyx fell to the ground. Breahting heavily, Silver looked at the mighty beast as Buck approached him.

"Better luck next time, snowflake." He turned his head to the herd. "This isn't gonna hold him long. Let's go."

"Hold up, guys!" Sid called after them.

He accidentally trips over a vine snapping it. As he gets up, Rudy opens one of his eyes and looks at Sid, who runs away. Rudy stands up, breaking his ties. He then looks at Sid, who tries to crawl away on his back. As it seems to be the end for Sid, Momma T-Rex arrives just in time and pushes Rudy backwards into the jungle, saving him.

"Way to go, Momzilla!" Sid cheered.

Finally, Momma pushed Rudy off the cliff as the white dino fell to its death. Silver roared trumphy along with momma even the cubs. Sid watched as Eggbert, Yoko and Shelly approached him.

"Come here, kids. Well, let me tell you something. You're where you belong now. And I'm sure you're gonna grow up to be giant, horrifying dinosaurs just like your mother, he said. "Momma. take good care of our kids."

Momma T-Rex licks Sid and Eggbert, Shelly and Yoko share one last hug with him before Momma T-Rex calls them. They run after her and Yoko scratches his back before carrying on. Sid watches with happiness.

"You were a good parent, Sid," said Manny.

Sid smiled. "Thanks. Can I baby-sit for you?"

"Not a chance."

"Oh, come on, I work cheap."

"Alright, I'll think about it. Never happened."

Silver turned to Buck standing by the cliff where Rudy had fallen."

"He's gone," he spoke. "What am I supposed to do now?"

"That's easy," Ellie replied, who came out of the cave. "Come with us."

"You mean... up there?" Buck paused. "I never thought of going back. I've been down here so long, it feels like up to me. I'm not sure I can fit-in up there anymore."

"So, look at us. We look like a normal herd to you?" Diego asked.

Buck smiled. He was sure he was ready to accept the herd. 

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