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As night settled in, the herd sailed north to their mainland. Silver watched as the other mammals rest for the night. Sid was still paralyzed but then it seemed to be wearing off when his feet began moving.

Sid: Hey, I can wiggle my toe again. The important one, the little piggy who went to market. Wait! I'm talking again. Oh I had so many things trapped inside of me that I couldn't say. Like, "Hey, I'm not dead!" And, "Why does a hurricane have an eye but not an ear?"

Granny turned toward Manny with an angered look.

Granny: I'll push him overboard. You guys say it was an accident.

Manny: I'm in. How about you, Diego? Diego?

Diego was nestled down on the ship's deck. He he missed Shira.

Manny: Hey, relax, buddy! Captain Crazy and his floating petting zoo are history. Come on! We're finally heading home!

Diego: I don't know what's wrong with me. I can't eat, can't sleep. Maybe I'm coming down with something.

Manny: I know what you've got. The L word.

Sid: Yeah, leprosy.

Manny: No, Sid, it's four letters. It starts with "L," ends with "E."

Sid: Lice!

Manny: No, Diego, my friend, is in love.

Sid understands now.

Sid: Oh, yeah! Love.

Diego: You mean with the pirate? No.

Sid: Shira's gotten under your skin. Come on, admit it.

Manny: A rugged saber like you.

Sid: A more rugged saber like her.

Diego: No, no, no. You guys are dead wrong.

They both started laughing.

Manny: Denial is the clincher. You're in love, pussy cat!

They both laughed as Diego went to the ship's edge.

Diego: Real mature, guys. Real mature.

Silver sighed as she watched Pip sleep. She looked up as Diego laid down.  Silver looked back to where they had sailed through. She hoped that she could see Amber again when they come back to a new land. Then suddenly, she saw that the mist was purple. And then he heard an odd female angelic voice.

Female Siren: Diego. Diego.

Diego looked up and he saw the figure standing on a rock.

Diego: Shira?

Female Siren: I wanted to come with you.

Sid then saw another angelic voice, too. 

Sid: She's beautiful.

Female Siren 2: Sid... I adore a sloth who cares nothing about personal hygiene.

Sid: That's me, baby.

Granny also saw a male voice.

Granny: Well, hello.

Hunky Siren: The wrinklier the raisin, the sweeter the fruit.

Granny: Granny likey. Granny likey very much.

Manny looked and saw what was up with the group. Silver felt an odd vibe. It felt like they were hit by a spell. Pip started to wake up, moaning and rubbing her eyes. The woman picked her pet up gently.

Manny: Guys, aren't you paying..... attention?

Female Siren 3: Manny... Manny, are you there?

Manny: Ellie?

Female Siren 3: We're over here, Manny.

Female Siren 4: This way, Silver. I really need you.

Manny started to move the boat to the odd figures.

Manny: I know, honey. Stay there. I'm coming.

Female Siren 3: You were right, Manny. You're always right.

Manny: No, look, I was... Wait a minute. Ellie would never say that.

Suddenly, Silver saw one of them glitch and change. That doesn't look like the real Ellie or Peaches. Those figures are sea monsters just like when she fought the Pliosaur and Ichthyosaur. Both their scales are blue with gill like ears on their head. Their fins lead to the spine to the tail.

Manny: No, no, they're not real. They're monsters! They're sirens. Don't listen to them!

Manny covers his ears with leaves while Silver puts some on herself. She puts the leaves on Pip's ears as well. The ship begins to crash by the rocky substance. The Siren folk are getting closer to them .

Manny: No! They may look real, but they're not. They're going to destroy the ship.

Unfortunately, the Sirens begin to get closer snarling. Their shaped fangs are ready to bite. Silver could hear their voices as the sirens sing luring Diego, Sid and Granny closer.

Manny: Sid, no!

Manny pulled the ship back around just in time for the ship to move away from Siren Mountain. The force sends Sid to land on Diego. Silver held onto the branch as the ship left. She could almost hear the siren's roar.

Diego: Why are we kissing?

Sid: Because cruises are romantic?

Manny sighed, relieved that they got away. Silver removed the leaves off of her ears and Pip's.

Manny: Five more seconds and we'd have been goners.

After a moment, Sid went back to the back of the ship and stared at the sea monsters.

Sid: Call me.

Silver also did a raspberry which the sirens look shocked and stunned as if the woman mocked them.

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