A New Island

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Usually, it seems that no one else was coming to rescue them. After she destroyed the ship, Gutt left Shira behind. Now they seem to be stuck on an iceberg from now on. Fog was no starting to cover the ocean.

Granny: Hey, chew this sandwich for me.

Granny handed out Sid a giant clam. She was trying to bite it although she doesn't have any teeth. Sid began to think of why his family didn't want them, although he hasn't seen his family a long time.

Sid: Granny, why didn't our family want us? What's wrong with us?

Granny: They think we're screw-ups and we can't do anything right.

Sid grabbed the giant clam and pulled it out, revealing an odd fuzzy shape. Sid screamed.

Granny: It's a rat!

She hits the fuzzy thing with her stick as it falls into the water. The clam shuts all of a sudden, causing Sid to scream and tries to get it out and slams it into the iceberg. Some of the pieces break and drift off. Silver fell into the water with a splash.  It made Pip jump in surprise. She was sleeping the whole time when the ground sloth slammed the clam on the iceberg.

Granny: Screw up.

Manny: Oh, Sid!

Silver was now forced to swim and push the iceberg now. Including Pip, who had to climb on Sid's head. Silver shook the water off of her hair and held on to the iceberg. She started pushing the iceberg north with all her strength she had.

Diego:  We'll never make it home on this thing.

Shira: Well, maybe you should have thought of that before you capsized our berg, genius.

Diego: Yeah, trying to escape.

Shira: Wimp!

Diego: Whiner!

Shira: Crybaby!

Manny: [seeing something] Land!

Silver perked her head up. Did he say land?

Diego: Yeah, land! Wait, what?

Manny: Not her. There! Land! Everyone paddle. Paddle!

Silver looked up and there it was. An island near the horizon. They began to swim toward the island with a little strength they had. Finally, they arrived at shore. The mammals got off the iceberg now exhausted. Silver placed Pip down on the sandy beach for her as she climbed out.

Sid: Food! I missed you so much! Look at me, I've wasted away.

Sid found a nearby bush but he didn't notice it was bugs flying around causing Sid to yelp.

Manny: Okay, snack time is over. We got to build a raft.

Diego: Manny.

Sid: Wow, Shira must really hate building rafts.

Everyone turned around. Shira must have run away from them.

Manny: Go get her. She can help us get back.

Diego started to give chase on the way. For Shira she seemed to be quite a strong runner.

Diego: Shira!

Diego followed after her though the island. He dodged many obstacles like rocks branches and logs. Shira climbed up the rocky wall causing Diego to stop. Diego took another way around the cliff. Shira looked around and noticed that she escaped from them. However, Diego pounced and held her still.

Shira: Let go of me!

Diego: Where do you think you're going?

Diego looked up and saw something. He heads over and a wave passage leads to the ocean. It looked like a cove.

Diego: Whoa! Switchback Cove. It's the way home. Oh, no.

Diego looked down and saw the pirates who had arrived here. They were trying to build a new ship by enslaving many cute creatures.

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