Falling back into the Dino world

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As midnight followed, the rest of the herd was asleep. The possum brothers open their eyes and knew they need to go. They wake up Pip and Lily notice what was going on. Silver was up too. The boys scurried down the tree and told them.

Crash: Sorry about this, Silver. We need to leave.

Eddie: We're going to find a new place to stay.

Lily wanted to come, but Silver can't allow it.

Crash: Oh, don't worry, Silver. We'll keep an eye on your daughter.

Pip chittered as she agreed. Silver sighed. She knew that she had to let her daughter find her destiny. The brothers and Pip looked over to Ellie and sighed.

Eddie: We can't just leave without saying goodbye.

They knew it was true. They hopped onto a rock and share their last goodbye.

Eddie: Goodbye sis. It's time for us to make our own destiny.

Crash: And maybe even make our own lunch.

Eddie: We may ever see you again.

With a final wave, Crash, Eddie, Pip and Lily begin to leave and into the forests awaiting them.


As morning came, Ellie gently wakes up and looked around. Silver and Amber wake up too. For a moment, she sense that something was missing.

"Did you hear that?" she asked.

Manny: I don't hear anything.

Ellie: Right. It's too quiet. Nothing's breaking. No one's fighting. That can only mean one thing. They're gone! They took all their things!

She looked over to the tree where her brothers had slept. The others begin to wake up.

Manny: They don't have any things.

Ellie: Exactly.

Amber looked around for her daughter and wonder where she is. Silver did promise that Crash and Eddie will keep and eye on her.

Diego: Uh oh. This is not gonna go well for you.

Ellie: Manny, my brothers our out there in the wild, and it's all your fault!

Manny: My fault?

Sid: Well, you did challenge them to try to survive on their own. In effect, sending them to their doom.

Manny: Thanks Sid.

Sid: Anytime buddy. I always got your back.

Manny: Don't worry honey. If Crash, Eddie, Pip and Lily get into trouble, they'll find their way back.

Ellie: Find their way back? The only thing worse than their survival skills is their sense of direction.

Sid: And their math skills aren't great either.

Ellie: Come on, we got to find them.

And so they begin to find the four misfits.


Lily, Pip and the possums had traveled far into the snowy forest. The brothers play around giggling happily ass Lily and Pip walked on foot. The possums pull a tree back slowly and carefully as Lily held the branches.

Eddie: Dude, being on our own totally rules! And we've got nothing to worry about since we've got nine lives.

Crash: Oh come on. Everyone knows that's dogs.

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