Ellie Remembers

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The sun is already setting down in the forest sky as the herd continued their way. Ellie and her brothers are in front of them while Manny is pulling out some trees to clear the path. Silver has lit up a torch to light the way.

"She's not half bad," Diego replied. "Crazy and confused, but sweet."

"So?" Manny asked as he lifted another tree away. Beside him, Silver continue on gathering some wood to build a campfire for the night.

"So what's holding you back?"

"My family."

"You can have that again, you know," Sid answered, poking his head from a tree.

"No, Sid, I can't," Manny frowned as he lifted the tree Sid had poked out from.

"OK, OK, but think about it. I mean, if you let this chance go, you're letting your whole species go and that's just... that's just selfish."

Manny threw the log out of the way where Sid, who was inside, screamed and fell out.

"I think I'm starting to get through to him."

Meanwhile, Ellie was chasing Eddie and Crash as they climbed though. The two possums went between the trees and scurried off, Ellie troed to follow them but she got stuck between the trees and struggled to get out of it.

Manny walked up to her. "Need help?"

Ellie paused. "No, no. Just catching my breath." Again, she tried to get out of the trees but no luck.

"You're stuck." 

Silver walked over and then she struggled to lift the tree up. Ellie is truly not a possum but she thought she was one. Manny began to help Ellie out by removing the tree off of her.

"Don't you think that picking them up like this would be easier?" he asked.

Aa he tossed it away, Silver saw something blowing in the breeze. They're were willow leaves, dangling from the nearest willows that lead deep into the forest. Ellie looked over and began to walk into the path.

Nearby, Diego and Sid looked on, realizing that Ellie is leaving. Manny began to follow them while Silver followed them.

Ellie looked around the strange new area as every bit of her memory played in her head.  "I know this place."

Silver poked her head from the pushes and saw a huge lively willow tree beside a pond over a clearing. Walking into the plains. The human girl could sense that this place was lovelier than ever. The flowers bloomed, willow leaves rustled, even the water glistened in the pond. .Ellie looked on as Silver began to explore the place. Manny began to approach Ellie just as the female mammoth turned around. She stepped torward and looked at the butt she had stepped on, making a foot print. She pressed her hoof into the print and realized it is a match.  Watching from view, Silver headed off  to find the rest of her friends, leaving Ellie and Manny alone.

"You know, deep down, I knew I was different," Ellie recalled as she and Manny walked on the path. "I was a little bigger than the other possum kids. OK, a lot bigger. Oh. Now I understand why the possum boys didn't find me appealing."

"That's too bad, because as far as mammoths go, you're, you know," said Manny.


"Well.. Attractive."



"What about me is attractive?" Ellie asked.

Manny tried to think it over. Maybe it could be her green eyes, her hair, her coat of fur. "Well, uh... your... uh... butt?"

"What about it?" Ellie asked, looking at her tail.

"It's... big?"

"Oh, you're just sayin' that!" she assured him.

"No really! It's huge! Biggest darn butt I've ever seen!"

"Ohh! That is really sweet!" Ellie complained. "What a crazy day. This morning I woke up a possum and now I'm a mammoth."

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