An Ambush

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It was a calm, chilly day and snow was slowly falling on a snowy mountain range from the clouds above. A gentle breeze passed through, blowing the snow around the area. It was a cold place and there was no life going around.

In a waterfall cliff side not far away, a group of humans lived in a tribe. They lived here not long ago before the ice age began. Runar was the father and leader of the tribe with his wife Nadia, an Infant son Roshan, and a nine year old daughter Silver. Silver is a kind, playful but a good hunting girl. The young girl had lovely blue eyes, dark long hair, and she wore a bracelet made of ivy flowers. She had been born ever since humanity rose. The people hunted animals for huts, food and started to learn how to fight by using their spears. She loved her family a lot and she always wanted to protect them. Silver's life was always perfect. Her human tribe often travel to warm climates so they can escape the harsh cold winter from the north. She wanted to explore the new world and discover so many wild animals through the ice age. But not all are harmless...there are hostile animals like mammoths and smilodons and who knows what else is out there. They hunt humans and defend themselves to attack.

They would be moving to the north soon and it was time to head on until dawn. Runar called Silver to come inside their tent for sleep. Silver nodded her head as she held up her dagger she was sharpening. She and her family went into their tent to sleep for the next day.

In the small hours of dawn, strange giant shapes of predators stalk down at the bottom of the rocky hill. Silver opened her eyes and heard one of the wolves barking outside. The wolves often tell them that there are enemies coming and they have to alert their owners. Runar got up and checked what was going on outside. Silver rubbed her blue eyes as her mother woke up, too. The girl poked her head out to figure out what was all about. She looked and saw strange four legged animals crawling down at the bottom of the hill. Silver knew what was happening. It was an ambush of sabertooth tigers. The men fought bravely as they attacked the mighty beasts. The cats pounced and started to claw them but the men defended themselves by blocking them with their spears. Her father had been trained from being warriors and never gave in to battle. But Silver was just a little girl because she can't fight these massive sabertooths alone. She was only a little hunter who only kills small creatures.

Silver and Nadia saw one tiger entering inside the tent where Roshan was sleeping. Silver had a good sense of seeing that the tiger could take her little brother away since they drove half of the pack away. Knowing he could get killed, Silver ran in and quickly grabbed Roshan before the tiger could grab him. She threw a club at him to distract him long enough before running to her mother. With her daughter and son safe, they knew that they had to get out of here fast. They both ran as fast as they could, away from the camp as the tiger started to chase them. Runar heard Nadia's calls for help and went to go after her but the pack backed him away.

Nadia led Silver to the edge of the waterfall and got cornered by the tiger. He swiped a paw at Roshan, but got the necklace instead and missed. Silver grabbed her mother's hand and jumped down and to the other side but no matter how many times they tried, the tiger blocked their way. Silver and Nadia slowly begin to back up. They were at the edge of the waterfall now. They didn't know what to do. They had to jump for it. Nadia held Roshan and Silver close and they jumped. The tiger looked down to where they had jumped down below, and then went back to its pack.

After the sabertooths left, the wolves found the necklace. Runar looked at it knowing that his wife and children were gone. He looked back at the sabertooths who had fled. Then he and the others begin to chase after them.

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