Going Separate Ways

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After escaping the vultures, everyone is back on the plains. The vultures did a foul thing of trying to attack the herd, and they did wanted to pierce into them. But Silver and the others continued on. As they walked on, Sid was singing a very silly song the vultures sang about.

"Food glorious food...."

"Sid!" Diego and Manny scolded him.

Sid: What? It's catchy.

Then Silver stopped when she saw something up ahead.  She called the others to come. At the very end, there was a giant tree bark and from the far end were the animals. 

"We made it," Diego sighed.

Sid: Yeah, we showed those scary vultures," Sid chucked.  "So glad we came along way, huh?

Silver nodded. They were so close, so close to head to the tree bark.  Then the distant sound of the dam breaking even more makes them look worried as they know that they don't have much time left. Ellie started to move forward but then something burst up in front of her, making her scream and back up. Crash and Eddie run and hide behind Ellie for protection. Silver walked over and saw that this was a geyser field of hot springs.

"Oh, it's just a little hot water and steam," Sid assured them. "How bad could it be?"

Silver shook her head. She threw a stick at the geyser field and one burst.

"I just did something involuntary and messy.""

"OK, come on," Manny  said. He moves forward but a geyser bursts in front of him. Silver pulled him back just in time.

"Manny! Get back. It's a minefield out there," Diego warned him.

'There's only one way to go. Straight through."

Ellie knew this was insane. "Straight through? We'd like to keep the fur on our bodies, thank you," she huffed. "We'll head back and we'll go around. That's safer."

"No, no, there's no time," Manny told her. "The dam will burst before we make it. We'll drown."

"If we go through this, we get blown to bits."

"Can I say something?" Diego asked.


That did made Silver jump a little, even though she is worried that Ellie would end up in danger.

"You are so stubborn and hard-headed," Manny shouted.

Ellie began to frown. "Well, I guess that proves it. I am a mammoth. Come on." She turned away and pulled her brothers up to her back and began to leave them.

"Fine," Manny answered, turning the other way as Silver looked on.

"I don't know.," Sid said, uncertain. "Drowning sounds like a much gentler way to go. Blown to bits sounds so sudden."

Silver nodded her head. She and the others begin to walk toward the geyser field.

"He's going to get himself killed," Sid gasped. "Manny, wait. Manny."

Manny ignored them and carried on. Then steam rose from the ground and as Manny got nearer, the geyser erupted, throwing Manny off his feet and knocking him unconscious. Silver gasped, seeing that the mammoth is hut and ran over.  

"Manny! Come on, wake up!" Diego shouted.

Silver almost dodged a geyser that burst beside her before she fell to the ground. It's getting even dangerousf or her and they'll be fried up. 

"Manny. Wake up!" cried Sid.

She felt another geyser about to burst beneath her feet.  She jumped out of the way just as the geyser bursts. Again, another tried to get her hand.

"Manny, come on," Diego roared. "We gotta go. Now!"

Manny snaps out of his trance and sees the geysers beginning to burst up. He gets up and runs off panicking. SMore geyers started to burst as Diego began to lead them away.

"That way!"

Manny, Diego, Sid and Silver run through the geyser fields, trying not to get blasted by the geysers

They finally made it to the boat, exhausted. Silver dropped her knees devastated.

"Are you okay, kid?" Diego asked her.

Silver nodded her head.

"Told you this was a bad idea," Sid replied.

Silver struggled up to her feet and urged everyone to move on. She hoped Ellie and her brothers are okay.

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