Into the new world

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Manny, Ellie, Crash, Eddie, Pip and Silver follow the T-Rex's tracks in the snow. They eventually arrive at a big gap in the ice, leading to the ice caves where Sid found Eggbert, Shelly and Yoko. 

"Sid must be down there," Manny guessed.

Silver began to look down and can see that it leads deeper into the cave. Who knows what that beat might to do him.

"Well, he's dead," Crash shrugged.

"Real shame. He will be missed," Eddie sighed.

The two possums start to leave but Ellie stops them. She wasn't gonna give up on him, even though they had to find Sid. "Oh, no, no, no. Not so fast."

"Okay. Ellie, this is where I draw the line," Manny deciced. "You, Silver, Crash and Eddie back to the village. I know it's too dangerous for Silver, but-"

"Yeah, that's gonna happen." Ignoring his words, Ellie  started to climb down into the cave.

"Ellie!" Manny tried to warn her. "You saw that thing. This is gonna be dangerous."

"Talk to the trunk."

It seems Ellie doesn't actually care about danger. She didn't notice that her baby would come and she didn't listen.

"Oh, great!" he groaned. "After we save Sid, I'm gonna kill him." He then went after her.

"Ladies first!" Crash inssited.

"Age before beauty!" Eddie chimed.

"No pain, no gain!"

"What pain?"

Crash punches Eddie into the hole. Eddie drags him in as well with his tail. Silver sighed as Pip urged her to head down there.  Hesitating, the mammal began to climg up to her shoulder and the two take off.

Later, the caves have turned from ice to rock as they walk on. It started to get warmer down there for the herd since they already left the cold icy winds up top.

"Sid?" Everyone called out. "Sid?"

Silver began to look around as every ice patch turned into solit rock. How strange they are moving on, deeper into the caves.

"Ellie! Ellie! Wait up!" Manny called out, running past the girl.

Silver looked around the new cave as she saw a giant dinosaur bridge. The skeleton is coneccted to the other side and being held by ropes, making it like a bridge It is very dangerous even if a crack would form. She carefully begins to walk on the bridge, trying not to slip.  The weight of the bridge creaked and groaned like a thousand year rope bridge that it would break into pieces. She caught up to the mammals.

"Okay look, if you feel anything, even if it's nothing, you gotta tell me," Manny told Ellie. "And we're outta here.  We need a code word. Yeah, something that says, "the baby's coming."

Ellie began to think it over. "Hmm. How about, "Aaah! The baby's coming!" How's that?"

Manny shook his head. "Nah, too long. We need something short and punchy, like, uh... "peaches"!


"I love peaches, they're sweet and round and fuzzy. Just like you."

Ellie raised an eyebrow. "You think I'm round?"

"Uhh... Round is good. Round is, foxy! Stay close."

Silver wondered if the baby will be name Peaches. She motion Pip about Ellie's unborn child. Pip seemed excited to hear this.

Moments later, she hears something  from outside the cave, and she urges the others to come follow her. Stepping out of  the cave, everyone shielded their eyes and saw light.  Once their vision clears, they  saw what amazed them. A new world just beyond the horizon. Many plants have grown from the ground and so many dinosaurs. There are waterfalls and forests full of cycads that were similar to the appearance of ferns and palm trees, which were common in the Mesozoic era. The light coming down on the jungle was caused by the sun that shone through the thick layers of ice up above.

"Are you guys havin' the same dream I am?" Crash wondered.

"We've been living above an entire world. And we didn't even know it," Ellie said in awe.

Silver can't believe it. It's a brand new world. But she didn't notice that something was behind them. Just then, a ball with spikes slams down next to Manny, causing them to yelp in fear. They turn to see a red Ankylosaurus that roars at them.

"Run for it! Hurry!" cried Ellie.

Silver quickly grabbed Pip into her arms and they ran away from the Ankylosaurus which roared at Crash and Eddie. Yelping in fear, they play dead. However it doesn't work like with most animals and the Ankylosaurus is about to bring its tail down on them when Diego races in and saves them from being crushed just in time. However, he nearly falls off the ledge but manages to pull himself back up and runs off after them.

Manny turned to Diego. "Diego, what are you doing here?"

"Sightseeing! -I'm looking for Sid, same as you!"

"Well! Aren't you noble?"

"This is not the time, guys," Ellie told the others. "We need all the help we can get!"

Silver yelped and told the others to stop. They come to a dead end. The Ankylosaurus approaches them menacingly. Diego charges at the Ankylosaurus and growls only for it to roar. He cowers and runs back to thothers.

"Never mind!"

The Ankylosaurus starts to move towards them but gets its tail stuck between two rocks. Silver whacked her club at the clubtail hard and the dinosaur roared in pain and tried to get her. Ellie sees a long necked dinosaur munching on leaves. Getting an idea, she picks some leaves up in her trunk and goes over to it.

"Here, boy. Here, come on!" She called to him.

Manny turned to her attention, realizing she was luring another dinosaur here. "Are you nuts? We're not getting on that thing!"

"It's either this dinosaur, or that one!" Ellie iquired, pointing at the clubtail dino. She started to get on the longneck's head and started to slid down its back. "Pregnant lady wants to live! Yabba, dabba, do!"

Manny, Diego and Silver run away from the Ankylosaurus which tries to chomp on Manny's tail but misses as he jumps onto the longneck dinosaur and he, Diego and Silver slides down it's back, off it's tail and into the air. They land next to Ellie, Pip, Crash and Eddie. Silver however, landed face first on the ground.

"Don't ever, yabba, dabba, do that again!" moaned Manny/

Silver lifted her head up and shook the mud off of her face, completely dazed.

"You alright, Silver?" Crash asked.

"You have taken quite a fall," Eddie agreed.

Silver nodded her head as Pip jumped off. Climbing back up to her feet, she looked around and see the tropical jungles around them. It was vast and beautiful and there are so many dinosaurs all over the new world. However, the young girl  didn't notice that a small figure was starting up upon a tree. Then Pip smelled something.

"What's your little buddy doing?" Manny asked as Pip began to jump off the ground and started to sniff.

"I think she wanted to follow her," Ellie suggested.

Smiling, Silver urged the others to follow Pip, and the rest of the group followed her to the new world.

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