Pirate Battle

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Peaches: Dad!

Manny: Wait, did you hear that?

Silver looked up. Manny could have sworn he heard a voice. It sounded female-like.

Diego: Manny...

Manny: No, I heard something. I heard it!

They turned to the mass of the land and off distance they saw a person. It was Peaches!

Diego: Is that?

Manny: Peaches? There she is!

Peaches: Dad!

Manny: We're coming, sweetie. Don't move!

Peaches: Daddy! Silver!

Manny: Peaches!

But then, something grabbed Peaches and it wouldn't let go of her. It was Gutt. He got there before them. There, all of the survivors were trapped with Ellie tied up.

Gutt: Welcome home, Daddy.

Peaches: Let go of me!

Gutt: What are the odds? We were just talking about you. You like the new ship? I call her Sweet Revenge.

Sila: And look here. We've got the catch du jour.

Manny: Ellie.

Ellie: I'm all right. Let my daughter go.

Manny: It's okay. He wants me. And he's going to get me.

Diego looked and saw Shira injured, because she had been beaten up and left hurt. Shira growled as she stepped away.

Gutt: Sacrificing yourself for your daughter. How touching. How predictable. Now come and get her.

The pirates threw grappling hooks and pulled the herd's ship forward. Then they put the plank on to get across. Manny begins to approach the pirates. Silver and the others watched as the mammoth went on the pirate's ship.

Raz: Good day, mate.

Flynn: You remember us? We're the bad guys.

Manny: All right, let them go.

Gutt: I don't think so. You destroyed everything I had. I'm just returning the favor.

Manny: No!

Before he could rush after him, the pirates wrapped ropes around Manny and tied him up.

Gutt: I warned you.

Before Gutt could slice Peaches' neck, a voice spoke.

Louis: STOP! Let the mammoth go!

Everyone turned and saw Louis standing bravely. Silver was shocked. Louis is now having a change of heart.

Gutt: Uh-oh. Who brought the muscle to the party?

Peaches: Louis, don't!

Ethan: What's he doing? He's going to get himself killed.

Louis: It's okay, I can handle him.

Gutt: How cute, a hero. Let's see what bravery gets you. Gupta, give the lad your weapon.

Gupta: Nice knowing you, kid.

The badger throws his knife to Louis. Since he was a small mole he struggled to pull it up. The pirates laughed. But then Louis had picked it up. Silver then jumped off the ship and grappled it with her knife. She then swung to the Sweet Revenge ship without the pirates noticing.

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