Reunited and staying with the herd

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Through the Glacier Pass, the men had traveled through the pass. Runar took one last look from the south, still thinking about his wife, daughter and son. Sighing, Runar placed his wife's necklace down in the snow and walked on. From the hill, Silver ran up to the past first and called out. It alerted the dogs and the villagers who saw what they couldn't believe they saw.

Runar was relieved, glad to see his daughter was alive. The girl began to explain what happened and motioned Manny to come. She begins to explain that he saved her and her baby brother. She waved her hand and held Manny's trunk to get closer. Runar lifted his spear but Silver told him he's not gonna hurt him. She then watched as Manny lifted his trunk and picked Roshan up.

Everyone was so amazed. Sid then appeared from beside the mammoth, looking a little scared. Manny placed Roshan down as the child walked toward his father and reached him. Silver began crying happily and began hugging him. Silver is back home, finally home after all these days of traveling. She now can finally travel with her human tribe now for a new place to stay. Silver and their family started to leave. Roshan called out saying that he and Silver needed to say goodbye to them one last time.

"Don't forget about us, okay?" Sid sniffled.

"We won't forget about you," Manny replied.

Runar wanted to know what Silver wanted to do. The girl looked at her family and the new mammal friends. Silver made a decision. She wanted to stay with the herd. They surely knew that Silver was growing up. Runar said goodbye to Silver and the group began to leave. Silver smiled as a tear dropped through her eye.

"You're staying with us?" Manny asked her.

Silver nodded her head yes. She watched as the tribe began to leave.

"Bye..." Sid waved goodbye.

Roshan covered his eyes and moved them away just like what his sister did.

"That's right. Where's the baby?"

Manny turned his head to the sloth. "Come on, Sid. Let's head south."

Sid continued on saying 'bye'. Silver watched as the humans left. They are now alone.

"Save your breath, Sid," Diego's voice answered. "You know humans can't talk."

Sid turned and saw that Diego was alive. With joy, he ran up to Diego and hugged him.

"Diego? You're okay!" He cheered happily.

Silver walked up to Diego with a blank expression. The girl knew that this tiger had chose them instead of his pack after he was betrayed by Soto

"Look, I'm sorry I tried to kill you." Diego apologized to her. "I didn't mean to do it. It was my job."

Silver begins to smile. She knew Diego was part of their group. She gently lifted her hand up to the tiger. The tiger walked toward her and then pressed his head against hers. She now had an official prehistoric cat companion.

"Welcome back, partner," Manny smiled. "Want a lift?"

"No thanks. I gotta save whatever dignity I've got left," replied Diego.

"You're hanging out with us now, buddy. Dignity's got nothing to do with it," Sid beamed. He turned his head to Manny. "But I'll take that lift."

"Yeah, climb aboard."

Silver and Sid happily climb on Manny.

"Yeah! Mush! Or not mush... Either way..." Sid said before he turned to Silver. "Silver, your family's leaving."

Silver didn't care. She was glad she had new mammals to take care of. Manny begins to walk, Diego went after them beginning their journey.

"This is gonna be the best migration ever!" the sloth exclaimed. "I'll tell ya, I'll show you my favorite watering holes. I turn brown when the fungus in my fur dries out."

"Sounds very attractive," said Manny.

"You know, this whole ice age thing is getting old. You know what I could go for? Global warming."

"Keep dreaming," Diego scoffed.

Silver giggled as she and her new herd continued on to the south for the greatest migration ever.

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