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After they managed to escape, Lily and Pip breathed for a while as the possums placed Buck down. The sun had already risen up and the raptors are nowhere to be seen. Crash and Eddie turned their heads to the gasping girl and squirrel.

Eddie: Are you okay?

Lily looked at Eddie and nodded, panting heavily. Pip flopped on her belly exhausted.

Crash: It seems the gas effects you so much. You can't even breathe a thing.

Eddie: Don't worry, Lil. You're safe now.

For a moment, the little girl looked at Buck who was still unconscious. Eddie, Crash and Pip go over to him.

Crash: Buck?

Lily thought for a minute there, that Buck was already poisoned by the gas. Even worse... Finally, he burst awake, panicking. Pip tried to calm the weasel down.

Eddie: Gas don't faze us, dude. We're used to things that stink.

The weasel sighed, relieved. For a moment, he realized his knife was missing. He looked around frantically for it. What kind of thief took his knife? Again, Lily could smell the greenish gas again and covered her mouth.

Female voice: Looking for this?

From above, a tree was a strange female creature. The creature begins to slide through the tree barks and flipping over branches. It appears that creature responsible for this is a striped polecat female. It's coat of fur is dark brown like chocolate with white stripes on her tail. Her eyes are brown like her fur. Around her waist was a pouch that was green.

Buck: Zee, is that you?

Zee: Well, someone had to save your butt.

She threw the knife at a raptor and hits him unconscious. She must have had his knife the whole time. 

Buck: Wait. What about Bronwyn?

Zee: She's safe. I left her with the cucumber.

Buck: Good. The cucumber knows karate.

He went over to grab his knife back.

Eddie: You know Bronwyn's like a pumpkin, right?

Zee: Yeah. I also know Buck's got a cousin who's a pine cone.

Crash: Oh, right. Phillip.

Eddie: Buck, who's your awesome stunk friend?

Zee: I'm not a skunk guys. I'm a zorilla.

Eddie: What's the difference?

Zee: The difference is I'm a mammal on a mission to bring equality in justice to the Lost World. Also skunks have slightly shorter tails.

Crash: She's totally a skunk.

Eddie: A skunk with a secret identity.

Both: Cool.

Zee: Well.... Okay, yeah. If that'll get you going, great. 

Lily was trying not to breathe the zorilla's bad smell. She covered her nose and mouth and moaned.

Zee: What's the matter with her?

Buck: Oh, don't mind Lily. She thought you're gonna set another stink again.

The zorilla begins to approach the young girl. Lily begins to barf at this.

Zee: It's okay, sweetie. I'm not gonna hurt you. I use these bombs to knock them out.

Lily begin to hesitate for a moment before she uncovered her mouth and stared at the striped zorilla. In one second, she thought that the zorilla is dangerous but it turned out this mammal was soft and gentle. She slowly lifted a hand and started to pet her. She's very soft like a puppy.

Zee: This girl seemed to like me. What is she?

Crash: She's a human being.

Zee: A human being? I never seen this new type of species before.

Zee had never seen such a strange mammal with no fur on her body, wore clothes and stand on her two feet. The female polecat knew I was time to go.

Zee: Come on, those boneheads are waking up.

She then headed off. The others begin to follow her.

Eddie: We'll follow you anywhere. Off a cliff, underwater, into a volcano.


The mammals and Lily had traveled through the jungle as the sounds of birds and bugs filled the air. 

Zee: I like your new friends. They make me feel smart.

Buck: Don't worry. What they lack in intelligence, they make up for in bumbling ineptitude.

Zee: Buck, we have some unfinished business to take care of.

Buck: I mean, you know, look, I know we didn't always see eye to eye or in my case eyes to eye.

Zee: Relax. I'm only here for one reason, and it's bigger than you and me. If we don't stop Orson, he'll destroy the harmony we fought so hard for. With him in charge. the lost world will be lost.

Buck: Oh right. Because then then it will be the Lost lost world which is both sad and confusing. [high pitch voice] Is the team getting back together again? [normal voice] You stay out of it you!

Zee tipped her head confused as Buck talked to his own hand.

Zee: I thought you two stopped talking.

Buck: [high pitch voice] We patch things up.

Zee: And no Lefty, the teams not getting back together. Once we stop Orson, I'm outta here.

Lily just shook her head. Zee said the team is not getting back together. What does that mean?

Eddie: That's a secret skunk for ya.

Crash: They never stay in one place too long

Eddie: Of course, that glorious scent lingers.

Climbing above the trees, the four mammals grabbed a nearby vine and swung through the jungle. Lily followed after them on foot. She got onto her knuckles to go faster.

Buck: How'd you know those raptors were gonna attack?

Zee: Unfortunately, Orson's been tracking you. I've been tracking Orson.

Zee is tracking Orson? Lily thought. So she is like a spy.

Crash: Then I guess it's up to you guys to stop 'em.

Eddie: Two superheroes joining forces again.

Eddie: Buck wild and Stunkator.

Lily giggled as she climbed up the tree and started to hop onto one branch to another.

Zee: I can't believe you told them we were superheroes.

Buck: I would never say that. They said it.

Eddie: Well, you two must have been a great team

Buck: Only when we are on things which was never.

Zee: I agree with that. 

Eddie: What's the problem, Buck? She's pretty cool with that super spray of hers. What's your superpower anyway?

Buck: Boys, what makes a superhero isn't powers. It's resourcefulness and courage.

Zee: Yeah, that's what they always say when they don't have any powers. Anyways, back to the plan. We have a control freak loco maniac to catch up too.

Eddie: Yeah. And we also gotta stop Orson.

Suddenly, screams of mammals can be heard. Lily and the mammals looked and saw some of the mammal folk running away.

Zee: This is my worst case scenario. They're heading for the watering hole.

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