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The herd followed Pip through the jungles as the squirrel follow Sid's scent. They came across a huge lake where the Triceratops roam. Lotus plants bob in the water as small waves of the waterfall crash below the pond.  The air seemed quite tropical for a human girl and a herd to be here. Pip chirped out saying she found someone. Silver gave the others a wink saying she found Sid's scent. They carefully emerged out of the bushes. Crash and Eddie followed forward to Pip.

"Dudette, you're awesome!" said Crash. "You're like a sister I never had!"

Eddie nodded his head. "Me too."

A sudden rustling noise caused them to freeze, a very pointed knife struck the ground. Pip froze. Some sort of creature is hiding, it wasn't actually a reptile through. Maybe a bird or a frog. A single blue eye shone in the dark. Silver gave a better look before the mammal came out. It was a brown weasel with a leafy eye patch and wore a strap around his shoulder, but the thing that captures the most was a scar that was on his covered right eye. The weasel begins to sniff Crash and Eddie and picks them up by the tail.

"Can we keep him?" Crash asked.

Then the weasel jumped on Manny causing him to yell. He looked at Manny's features like his hair and trunk. Then he went over to Diego and looked at his fangs. Then he went over to Silver. Silver snarled and grabbed the weasel by the leg and hissed, thinking that the weasel was about to attack.

"Whoa! Take it easy, ma'am. I'm not a wild animal!" 

Silver blinked her eyes and tipped her head. That weasel she grabbed had spoke. 

"He's right, Silver," Ellie agreed "I don't think this animal's hostile."

Silver looked at the one eyed weasel and then sighed, letting him go as the little creature climb up on her arm.

"What are you doing here?" he asked.

"Our friend was taken by a dinosaur," Ellie explained.

"Well, he's dead, he said. "Welcome to my world. Now, uh, go home. Off you pop!"

Silver shocked her head no.

"Not without, Sid," Ellie said and started to step foward.

"Ellie wait," said Manny, stopping her, "maybe the deranged hermit has a point."

"Manny! We came this far, we're gonna find him."

"I got tracks," Diego said. He had dounf some dino tracks on the ground that leads deep in the forest.

Ellie beamed. "Let's go."

That was when the weasel appeared upside down, startling them. "If you go in there, you'll find your friend... in the Afterlife."

"How do you know, great and wisely, weasley one?" Eddie asked.

The weasel lowered himself from a vine to the footprint, since he is not good of sensing someone is alive. He licked the ground and spit. Silver could not actually do that since she can't taste scent.

With one taste, he began to guess, "Mummy dinosaur carrying three babies, and some floppy green thing."

"Yeah, we're friends with the floppy green thing," Manny answered.

"You got all that from the tracks?" asked Diego.

"No, not really. I saw 'em come through here earlier. She's headed for Lava Falls," the weasel explained. "That's where they care for the newborns. To get there, you have to go through the Jungle of Misery, across the Chasm of Death, to the Plates of Woe."

To do this, he drew a map with a stick that looks like where everything is located in the Dinosaur world.

"Okay! Good luck with the slow decadence to madness, we're gonna go now," replied Manny as they began to leave.

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa! Whoa!" The weasel stopped them. "What, you-You think this is some sort of tropical getaway? You can't protect your mate! What are you gonna do with those-Those flimsy tusks..? " He then turned to Silver. "And how are you gonna use that dagger for? When you run into the Beast? I call him "Rudy."

"Oh good. Good. I was worried it was something intimidating, like Sheldon or Tim," Manny sighed in relief.

"Wait!" Eddie realized. "You mean there's something bigger than Mommy Dinosaur..?"

The weasel nodded. "He's the one that gave me this."

"Whoa. He gave you that patch?" Eddie exclaimed.

"For free? That's so cool." Crash beamed.

"Yeah, maybe he'll give us one, too!"

"Welcome to my world," Manny sighed in annoyence.

Silver sighed. Maybe she has to trust the one eyed weasel for their own sake if they had to get through the jungle. Silver waved and led the others to the path.

"Abandon all hope, he who enters there!" The weasel warned them.

"Alright we get it. Doom and despair. Yadda, yadda, yadda."

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