Hey hey hey

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Hey y'all. Long time no see! I apologize for not updating in a long time, it's just I've had a tremendous amount of writers block, stress from my academics, and on top of that, I lost most of my messages from all of you... requests included

I'm so sorry to you all, I can't believe this happened, and I also don't know why. I truly truly truly apologize.

But I wanted to check in with all of you. What do YOU want to see from me? What do you want to read? Preferences, imagines, fluffs... I WILL DO ANYTHING!!! Just give me some of your lovely help and some of your input, and I'll try to start updating more frequently. Just leave me a comment as to what you'd like to read!!! :)

Once again, I'm sorry for being gone for so long with not even a reasoning as to where I've been. To all of you guys who have reached out and asked how I'm doing, I love love love you guys, you're amazing people.

Hope you all had a lovely fall, and hope you all will have a lovely holiday season.

Your Friend,
Gaite Miller.

"Carpe Diem... that's seize the day." DEAD POETS SOCIETY PREFERENCES/IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now