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Author's Note: For @drippingwithhoney THANK YOU FOR REQUESTING, LOVE!
TW:// The reader inflicts pain on themselves because they couldn't get a proper explanation from Meeks.

"Please look at me, Meeks. Please, don't do this to me. Please, just talk to me." Sam seized from between her quivering lips as her hands convulsed and reached out for her boyfriends face. He turned away and kept his eyes staring through the glass of his kitchen window. He ignored her, his eyes welling up with tears as she cried harder and couldn't stop herself. He couldn't bare to stare at her and share the news of what he had done. It was too low, too shallow, too embarrassing. He moved away from her to the living room, walking out onto the balcony of his apartment. He looked down at the cars speeding by, admiring how fast they came and went from one location. He wished he could do that. Leave this situation and go onto the next one. A happier one. One where Sam, his beautiful Sam, wasn't crying and weeping and begging for his love or even liking.

"I can't." He finally spoke after not speaking for an hour. His voice cracked on the 'a' within the word can't.

Sam and him had started this run and chasing, crying and screaming, game an hour ago. It started with Sam walking into their apartment and seeing Meeks smoking and on the brink of crying. His hand was shaking as he brought his cigarettes to his chapped and pale lips. Sam dropped the grocery bags she had and walked over to him. She took his cigarette and kneeled down, holding his hands and hair.

"What's wrong with you? Love what-" He looked up at her. She noticed the glass in his glasses were a bit cracked and broken.

"I did something bad." And then that statement is how it began. He wanted to tell her what she did... but he couldn't. He couldn't let the words spill from his lips. He shot up and ran away from her. He covered his eyes, threw his glasses, and began pacing. Sam was struck to her core with fear. Meeks wasn't ever upset, or disheveled. He still wasn't upset or disheveled. He was worse.

They chased each other and yelled and cried and Sam had never felt more neglected. These actions came from nowhere. In the ten years they have been dating, and the four they have been married, he had never been this cruel.

"SPEAK TO ME!" Sam screamed at him, taking the cigarette Meeks had just lit, and jammed it into the palm of her hand. She screamed in agony instead of anger now, her knees giving out, and all the tears that were left in her body now leaving. Meeks caught her and the two fell to the ground, crying. He cradled her in his chest and kissed her head and her fresh burn, rocking her back and forth.

"I sold your wedding ring, I sold your ring, Sam. We wouldn't have been able to pay rent this month if I didn't. I sold everything I had to pay for rent last month. My job is- we're having trouble in the lab and the office right now. I'm so sorry. I didn't want it to go this far. I didn't want this. I am so humiliated. I have ruined our lives. I am a nobody." Meeks cried, hysterically.

He was embarrassed to share that he was broke. He was embarrassed to share he sold her diamond encrusted wedding ring. He was embarrassed to share that his dream job, the one everyone in his family told him NOT to have, wasn't working out.

Now Sam held Meeks, rubbing her fingers through his greasy ginger hair. She kissed his forehead. She had no intention of letting him go.

"We're going to be okay. You'll be okay. You'll be okay..."


"Relax, silly! You'll be okay! You were born for this moment." Sam said as she hugged Meeks from behind. He tied his lie around his neck, never feeling this fancy before. He hoped he was fancy and proper enough. It's not everyday that he wins a Nobel Peace Prize.

"I know I'm just... nothing nevermind, you're right, Sammy. This is great. But... I wasn't born for this moment." He said, turning to face her. Her face was incredibly sad now. Meeks doubting himself wasn't her favorite thing ever.

"Weee were! You have been with me every step of the way, since Welton. If anything, you should be also getting this stupid peace prize. You got a job when I wasn't making any money, you were supporting me when I found no more sense going forward. And I fucking sold our entire apartment in the starting stages." Meeks said, embarrassed. Sam blushed and got on her tiptoes, kissing his beady nose. He scrunched up his face as her lips also made contact with his cheeks.

"Well I had no other choice. I was in love with you. I still am. And it all paid off. you have three pets selling novels, help save millions of lives with the MMR vaccine, and have developed the starting research for the HIV vaccine. And I got a new wedding ring so." Meeks picked up Sammy and spun her around, kissing her again. Sam wrap your legs around his waist and laugh to sterically as meeks on her quicker. She was then placed on the ground and to join hands.

They began to walk into the hall where Meeks would be gifted the Nobel peace prize. Meeks and Sam kissed one final time. " I love you so much. Thank you for being here." Meeks kissed her again. She walked away and stood with Meeks' work team. They all clapped and cheered and watched him bathe in glory.

Sam had never felt prouder. They went from riches, to rags, and never regretted any of their choices. The two now live incredibly happy together. They live in a cottage not far from Meeks' workplace. He commutes to the city each day then returns to see Sam, working on her own little projects. Although times are hard and they have never wanted to relive those times, they wouldn't change anything they did. Without their troubles they wouldn't be standing in a room and be creating a moment in history by doing so.

Meeks join someone's again after he was gifted the prize. He grabbed her head and kissed the top of it, pulling her into a hug. The two swayed and repeated to one another how proud they were, how much they loved each other, and how they couldn't believe this was real. They couldn't wait to have kids. That way, they have someone to tell their extravagant stories to.

"Carpe Diem... that's seize the day." DEAD POETS SOCIETY PREFERENCES/IMAGINESKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat