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Neil Perry=

-What you call him<<<   Amica mea (my love in Latin),   sweetie,   Astaire (after the actor Fred Astaire, since Neil wants to be an actor)

-What he calls you<<<   Darling (it's sounds beautiful and classy to him. Not only, that simple),  my love (cliche),   moonlight (he wanted something to contrast his other names for you. Complex, stunning, and rare. Moonlight. He called you that because his life was the night. Dark, unpredictable, sometimes worrisome. But you were the moon, the light shining and comforting the dark night sky of a life he lived.)

Todd Anderson=

-What you call him<<<   Handsome (it's true and it made him smile),   my shy boy (you called him this name the most. It made him blush and look at you with such endearing and loving eyes), love (classic)

-What he calls you<<<  Dear (he felt comical saying it, which is rare. It also made you smile. You said it made you sound like you two were an old married couple. dEaR. But he kept calling you it because he loves the idea of you two getting married and growing old together),   Calluna (it's the name of a very unique and stunning flower. He found it fitting because you're unique and stunning. You also helped him blossom as a young man, like a flower does during the spring.) 

Knox Overstreet=

-What you call him<<< Baby, lovie, Knoxy

-What he calls you<<< Literally every name in the book. He's a hopeless romantic. We can't change that

Charlie Dalton=

-What you call him<<< Babe

-What he calls you<<<  Babygirl (He calls you that in public because he thinks he sounds daring and it makes everyone know you're only his),   Pumpkin (This is your nickname in private. You two always secretly went to nearby orchards, food flea markets, and farmers markets on days off from school. Every time you guys went, he took your photo in the pumpkin patch, hence the name Pumpkin)

Steven Meeks=

-What you call him<<< Meeksey boy   (You called him that when you were only friends and it just stuck. You mostly call him that in front of the boys. It was the least PDA inflicted names you called him. He didn't like PDA),    bub   (Short for bubba. You don't know where it came from. All you know is, it made him smile),   bups (Slipped out one night when you tried to call him bub. He asked you to call him bups more often. How could you resist? He didn't ask for much anyway)

-What he calls you<<< Angel (What can he say, you saved his life and brought him light in darkness when no one else could. You were his angel),    beaut (Short for beautiful. Again, WHAT COULD HE SAY? you're absolutely beautiful. Inside and out),    love (He mostly called you that when he was stressed or upset because he got clingy and romantic when he was upset. You made him feel better. So when he used the old cliche nicknames, you knew you had to just let him cuddle up to you and play with his hair)

Gerard Pitts=

-What you call him<<< Baby boy   (Just a spin off of baby girl. He likes it. And it suits him),   boops (You sort of just said it and it stuck),    sunshine (His smile could light up the whole room and he shined a light of happiness, positivity, and beauty onto your life)

-What he calls you<<< Bean   (You were short compared to him, making you his bean), baby   (old cliche, he found it sweet),    my girl (He stole it from a song her heard once. It had a nice ring to it. Even if you were more than his girl, you were the love of his life, he still called you his girl)

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