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TW:// Foul language, intoxication of weed

Neil Perry=

-"I have a sudden urge to become an arsonist."

-He was working on geometry homework with you and wasn't grasping the concept of trigonometry. He pushed his books across the room and started pacing around slowly. You could tell he wasn't too pissed off or angry, so you began laughing. 

-Then that's when he said it. "I have a sudden urge to become an arsonist."   "What?" Was all you could ask in between giant fits of laughter. He laughed with you and then picked up all of his scratch paper with his trigonometry work on it. "Seize the fire." He whispered, grabbing your cigarette lighter from your desk and settling the paper to flames. Math wasn't his favorite subject to say the least. 

Todd Anderson=

-"I'm going to give myself a lobotomy to get whatever you just said, out of my brain."

-You and him were hanging out with the rest of the Dead Poets. Knox was talking about the one and only Chris, the quote unquote love of his life. Todd always stayed quiet during the Chris rants because he honestly was embarrassed for Knox AND Chris. Bad for Knox because he was so desperate and bad for Chris because she was talked about so often and in such an odd way.

-Knox had said something about her that made Todd incredibly uncomfortable so that's when he said his notorious quote, about his lobotomy. You couldn't help but start laughing, hysterically, falling out of your seat. Everyone copied your action, completely shocked and amused by what Todd said. As I once stated, he never said a word during the Chris rants. So that statement was completely odd and hysterical. 

Knox Overstreet=

-"Please just shut up, I love you, but just shut up."

-This wasn't actually said to you, despite the I love you. It was said to Mr. Nolan out of all people. Mr. Nolan was scolding Charlie in front of all of you. Charlie was obviously not fazed by the comments but the rest of you were. Knox was the most angry at the comments being said by Nolan. So he sort of broke down. 

-He began cracking up and then covered his face. In between laughs, he said what he said, making the rest of you laugh as well. Mr. Nolan didn't even know what to do. He tried to make you all stop laughing, but couldn't. He threatened expelling you guys, but knew he wouldn't. So he just walked away, still screaming.

Charlie Dalton=

-"I'm going to start throwing hands and once I start, you will not stop me. YOU CAN TRY, but you won't be able to." 

-You weren't giving him as much attention as he liked so to finally grasp your attention, he began playing his saxophone. He was playing good at first, but that only made you look up occasionally and tell him how nice that was. But once the good playing stopped working, he began playing terribly and sillily. 

-You ran to him, stealing the saxophone away from him. He chased you all around your room, trying to get it back, but he couldn't catch you. So once you were both stopped on opposite sides of the room, he remarkably stated, "I'm going to start throwing hands and once I start, you will not stop me. YOU CAN TRY, but you won't be able to." This made you burst out laughing and surrender, walking over to him and giving him the saxophone. You two sweetly shared a kiss and he put away the sax.

Steven Meeks=

-"But I was going into Tosche Station to pick up some power converters." 

-You two were binge watching the best movie trilogies ever made in your new apartment. He asked if you guys could Star Wars to start the marathon. Of course you didn't deny him and you guys began the binge watching. All of a sudden, when this scene with Luke and his uncle came on and this line was said, Meeks said it perfectly. In time, in the same whiney voice, it was... hysterical. 

-That's when you couldn't stop laughing, which in return made Meeks laugh. You had to pause the movie so you guys could get all the giggles out and not miss anything. 

Gerard Pitts=


-You and the Dead Poets had a rough week of tests. Todd's brother gave him some celebratory mary jane to show Todd how much of a 'man' and 'achiever' he was. At least that's what Todd said his brother told him. So you guys all got a little high and had some fun with it. Or at least you thought it was a little. Poor ol' Pittsie got a little more than a little high. 

-During the Dead Poets Society meeting, instead of reading poems, you read some nursery rhymes. Hey Diddle Diddle was really pissing Pitts of for some reason. His high self said it was because of the fact they had a cat playing a fiddle. You kept reading it to sort of harass and mock him, making all of the boys laugh.

-Pitts stood up and screamed at the book, "NO CAT WILL EVER PLAY THE FUCKING FIDDLE!" That's when all of you lost it, laughing at your stupid and silly intoxicated friend (rather your boyfriend), unable to control yourselves

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