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-Always being together. It's rare to find one of you without the other. 

-Todd always holding your hand for comfort.

-When he's not looking, stealing his poetry book and reading all of his fantastic poems.

-Him getting flustered any time you kiss him. He is sometimes still in shock that he has a significant other. 

-Him constantly apologizing even when he didn't do anything.

       -"I'm so tired today, I don't know what's wrong with me."

       -"I'm sorry. Wait no-"

-You bringing him out of his comfort zone.

-Always helping him with biology homework.

-You always holding him when you two cuddles. He likes to feel protected.

-Having to teach him certain things like how to cook, how to slow dance, how to do laundry.

-Him being jealous of all his friends and constantly feeling scared you'll leave him for someone better.

-Him always talking to you about his worries before you go to bed. 

      -"You could do so much better. Why do you want someone like me?"

     -"Todd don't ever say that again."

-He is only comfortable with your friendship with Neil. He knows Neil wouldn't steal you away. Although he'd never ever not let you be friends with anyone. 

-Asks you to read him to sleep.

-Him lovinggg when you play with his hair. 

-Shy compliments

    -"You look... b-beautiful."

-Your parents finding him odd because he is so shy.

-His parents not minding you. They're just scared of what your 'intentions' are, whatever that even means

"Carpe Diem... that's seize the day." DEAD POETS SOCIETY PREFERENCES/IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now