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TW:// Anxiety, panic attacks, etc

Neil Perry=

-It was the night before his play and he was nervous about his dad seeing him perform. He had been off for the last week but that day in particular was rough. He was crying in private, jumping at everything, and hiding from you

-That night, you walked in his room and asked Todd to give you a second with Neil, alone. He didn't mind so he politely showed himself out. Neil then got even more nervous because he thought you were angry at him

-Before you could say anything, he began crying. He tried standing but couldn't. He just cried harder and wheezed out, "I-I can't see." You immediately knew what was going on

-You sat beside him, holding him, whispering to him. "Just breath, you're having a panic attack. You're completely fine. I'm here Neil." He cried even harder, now thinking he couldn't breath

-After ten minutes of him just being unable to feel normal again, he finally grounded himself. He was crying lighter, and able to speak. He just told you everything

-"I'm sorry I've been avoiding you but I just couldn't... I didn't want to make you nervous as well. It's just my dad. I can't deal with him. I can't deal with any of this."

-You both went to bed right after that. You just held him and comforted him, making him feel much better about the situation at hand

Todd Anderson=

-He had to give a presentation in his history class that afternoon so he had been clinging to you and very cuddly, wanting your affection and attention

-When you finally asked why he was so clingy, he got worried he made you uncomfortable, so he just began bawling his eyes out. Then you got nervous that you had hurt him, so you just hugged him

-"I can't... I can't think straight... something is wrong with me." He cried harder, terrified. He then began mumbling out words that made no sense

-"History... I can't see... the project... soon, it's soon... history project...' 

-He started feeling out of sync with his body and like he couldn't stop shaking. You knew how to help him so you just consoled him, sweetly talking him up, telling him he was okay

-After you helped him get in touch with himself again, you both went to history. Right before he went up to give his presentation, he started feeling dizzy and shaky again. But seeing you, smiling encouragingly at him from your seat, he calmed himself using breathing exercises you gave him

-He gave an exceptional presentation that he felt very proud of

Knox Overstreet=

-It was before your family's (which winter holiday you celebrate) dinner. He had met your parents before but never your extended family so he was nervous that entire week. But when he was getting ready to go, his nerves really got to him

-He didn't even try to hide them from you at all. He immediately turned to you, shaking, and said 'Baby, I think I'm having a panic attack'

-He then lost his breath, breathing uncontrollably heavy

-You hugged him from behind, kissing him, telling him everything way okay and that he was safe, and everything would go smoothly tonight

-His eyes started welling up with tears but you kissed his nose, gently holding his cheeks, and just smiling

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