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Have an imagine request but don't know where to start? Consider using my prompts! Comment them down below!

1. "Listen to this sentence in the story, it reminded me of you..."

2. "You know I'm always here for you right? Even if it seems like I'm somewhere else, I'm here."

3. "It just gets so heavy and difficult sometimes."

4. "I think I'm falling in love, and I'm scared."

5. "I practiced asking you out in the mirror."

6. "You're hotter when you're quiet."

7. "Can you just stay with me this morning? No class... other people..."

8. "You can't leave, I haven't given you enough kisses yet!"

9. "Hold my hand because I hate thunderstorms, they scare me."

10. "Do not compare me to him!"

11. "Do you want some lunch? Maybe that'll make you feel better."


13. "My love for you runs ten times deeper than your stuck up egotistical attitude so for fucks sake just love me back!"

14. "Look me in the eyes, now."

15. "Oh gosh we're in public, please stop." 

16. "If you leave now, forget it, don't come back." 

17. "Isn't this just amazing?"

18. "I just get really lonely without you."

19. "That's where my shirt went! You stole it."

20. "How did I get so lucky?"

21. "Let me just protect you."

22. "I want to read you facts about love, come sit with me."

23. "I think coffee tastes better when I drink it with you."

24. "You're different... you're special... I don't know why I love you." 

25. "Would I be intruding if I kissed you right now?"

26. "We can't go there."

27. "But I want you, not him, not her, you. It's always been you. Has it always been ME though?"

28. "Are you high? You sound high." 

29. "I don't have reasons to want you I just do, why can't you understand that?"

30. "I'll cover you, run."

31. "Take your time. As much as you need. Even if it kills me."

32. "I said give it back, or I'll scream." 

33. "Oh you have something in your hair, can I get it?" 

34. "Your hand fits nicely in mine. That means we're soulmates."

35. "If I don't hear your voice first thing in the morning, I know it'll be a bad morning."

36. "Don't pull away from me, just give me one more minute." 

37. "This song reminds me of you."

38. "You can sit on my lap till I'm done working, needy little thing."

39. "You don't have to suffer alone. I'm not leaving you. You can leave me, but I won't leave you. Not like this." 

40. "I let you down." 

"Carpe Diem... that's seize the day." DEAD POETS SOCIETY PREFERENCES/IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now