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Author's Note: I know this chapter is going to be super controversial amongst all of you. But, many people have expressed the fact to me that they actually reallyyy like Cameron. I may, or may not, agree with them but either way, I want my Cameron lovers to have a place where they can read romantic and cute imagines/preferences about him. I hope all of you understand, and if you don't, too bad so sad. I LOVE YOU GUYS <3

How you met=

-You kneeled down in front of your little brother. He had tear stained eyes, a red face, and his body was shaking like a leaf in the wind. You rubbed his dreary eyes and kissed his cheek. "I know you're nervous bud... but you're going to do great at this school... you're going to knock all of the teachers socks off with your abilities in, well everything! I love you. I'll call you every night." He hugged you and nodded on your shoulder. Your mother then pulled him away from you, and hugged him as well. You stood and smiled down at him, feeling so proud of him. He was a nervous little boy so a boarding school, Welton, was a MASSIVE step for him... maybe too big of a step

-Cameron saw your brother struggling to walk away from your family. He felt so bad, in all honesty. He walked over to you and your brother, greeting himself kindly. "Hello, I'm Richard Cameron! I am a sophomore at Welton, obviously. I see you're having a bit of trouble here... would you like me to walk you in and help you get settled Mr..." You stepped up and said, "Mr. Miles (Y/L/N). And I am (Y/N), his older sister. This is our mother and father. Miles would love your help. Would you mind if I joined you both?" You knew Miles DID NOT want his help but you needed Miles to make friends or at least feel safe with someone in Welton. Cameron practically volunteered to be that person, so you took your shot on behalf of Miles

-The three of you helped Miles put some stuff away and helped him adjust all of his school supplies for class the next day. Then you and Cameron decided to leave Miles to his masses as he waited for his roomate. You and Cameron walked into the hall and you handed him a piece of paper with your number on it. You told him to call you if Miles was having trouble or if he just wanted to call you. Cameron said you could count on him, and thanked you. Then you made your way out of the school and back to your parents. You didn't make it back without hearing a group of boys mocking and messing around with Cameron because he got a girls number though

Your First Date=

-It's no secret that Cameron, and his family, grew up super conservative and traditional. You, on the other hand, did not. You grew up surrounded by all kinds of people, all kinds of traditions, all kinds of places, and all kinds of culture. You wanted to show him what it was like on the other side. He shockingly agreed. He was so hesitant at first but after you told him what you had in mind for the night, he got excited instead of nervous

-You guys went to a street fair about fifteen minutes away from Welton. You adored street fairs. They were filled with things you loved, things you didn't need, and things you envied! Street fairs had the coolest jewelry pieces, candles, snacks. All things that Cameron needed to be introduced to the other side of life and how you grew up

-He bought you a necklace made of sea shells, crystals, beads, and fishing wire. It was the shiniest and prettiest thing you had ever seen. He liked it because it matched your eyes very nicely. Not only that, he liked the way you talked about all the crystals on the necklace. You knew a lot about magical and spiritual things. In return for the necklace, you bought him a ring with quartz and amethyst inside of it. You could just sense he needed it's powers in his life. Then you guys grabbed dinner. He definitely left your first date moved and changed, for the better. He feared his family wouldn't like the person he had become but he liked you a lot more than his family. You actually showed him how to have fun! He wanted all of his friends to meet you. They would love the way you lived

&quot;Carpe Diem... that's seize the day.&quot; DEAD POETS SOCIETY PREFERENCES/IMAGINESTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang