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-You and Neil dating for close to a year before you flirted with the idea of a poly relationship. Then once you both met Todd, it was a no brainer. It was your idea so you were nervous about asking him

-You started just overly complimenting Todd, seeing how he react, if he was jealous or angry. All he did was agree with you, then overly compliment Todd back to you. Finally he took the hint and laughed, kissing you.

   -"Just ask him"


  -"Just ask Todd if he knows what goes into this relationship and be consensual, okay? Go easy on the boy"

-You had trouble JuSt AsKiNg Todd. He was so shy and private that you were honestly scared you and Neil would think you were crazy. So you did it in the most respectful way you could. Wrote down the word 'polyamorous' on a post it note and put it on the first page of his journal. 

  -"Do your research and get back to us   -(Y/N) and Neil <3"

-Neil was in the room when he discovered the note and Neil told you he was a blushy smiley mess. Todd told him he had to do some last minute studying in the library and practically skipped with happiness out of the room

-Todd had REALLY liked you since the first day at Welton. He was really shy, and you weren't, so you introduced him to people and help get him around the campus. He thought you were absolutely stunning and incredibly kind, the life of the party, the one who lit up the room. But you were with Neil. Then he ran into ANOTHER problem

-Neil talked so fondly of you, was so kind to everyone, and had this pure lust for life! Todd wanted to be the one that made him feel that way though, like you did. Todd couldn't help but stare at Neil and helplessly fall more and more for his smile. But he thought he was crazy! Boys liking boys? No- 

-Todd read about the LGBTQ+ community to see if what he was feeling was even normal. He was scared to tell anyone. He then read about terms like bisexual, pansexual, demisexual, polysexual. Then he looked up the term you gave him. Polyamorous. He blushed at the word, the one you gave to him... he liked the sound of it

-Todd didn't like one of you more than the other. He loved you both just the same. Yes, he LOVED you both very dearly

-You and Neil both waited for Todd to get back. Neil wasn't nervous, at all. If Todd said no thanks, Todd said no thanks. Todd was too shy and nervous all of the time to just stop being friends with you both so Neil wasn't worried about that. You were just a shambly mess though

-Todd returned, grinning, all red. You and Neil both blushed at him, finding it incredibly cute how he was acting

   -"So... how does this- how would we do this?" Was all he asked

-From then on, you three were in a loving committed relationship but kept it hidden from most people

-Neil watching you two interact and talk during school, most of the time through a bookshelf in the library, and thinking it's the cutest thing he's ever seen. He always wished he had a camera in those moments. He wants to keep that image of you two fresh forever

-You and Todd being Neil's BIGGEST supporters, having dates where Neil will just read screenplays to you both as you cheer him on, sometimes joining in

-You and Neil helping Todd break out of his shell, getting him to focus more on his writing, gaining some confidence. Todd's parents couldn't even recognize him when they saw him during Thanksgiving break because he had matured and became just a bit less shy. His mom was honestly concerned

-Holidays being hard for you three because you're so far a part

-Waiting for Todd to make a move with sex. You and Neil both had told him that whenever he was comfortable, he should just say so. It took him about a month and a half to bring up the concept of sex

-Todd being INCREDIBLY nervous and almost getting sick over it

-But after it's all done, he felt silly for being nervous and wanted to do it more often

-You three always sleeping together in your bedroom because you had a quiet and lonely corridor alllllllll the way at the back of the dorm building, in your own separate corridor, so no one could walk in 

-You holding Neil in your arms when you slept and Todd lying close to your waist/stomach, holding your waist

-You and Todd both looking and admiring Neil as he slept, whispering about how handsome he was

-Todd and Neil watching you as you got ready in the morning, completely fascinated by you, thinking you're incredibly beautiful

-Any time you have a bad or difficult day, both of them taking turns reading books and poetry to you, telling you funny stories from their childhood

-Any time Todd has a bad day, he just wanted you and Neil to cuddle him in absolute silence until he's ready to talk

-Any time Neil has a bad day, he just cries and cries and cries so you and Todd are just there for him, telling him he'll be okay

-Saying subtle things about being in a three person in front of the Dead Poets. They obviously don't know, yet, but Todd gets scared they'll leave if they find out. You and Neil know they won't so you both say things to make him incredibly flustered and red. You both thing it's incredibly wholesome and you both know you'll make it up to him later

-Showers together sometimes at like five in the morning before everyone wakes up

-After the incident with Neil's father happens, you completely explode outside of the theater, SCREAMING at Mr. Perry

-Mr. Perry screams back, even going as far as grabbing you and not letting go of you

-Neil pushing his father to protect you and Todd rushing to your side to hold you back 

TW:// Rude use of a LGBTQ+ word

-That's when Mr. Perry leaves Neil... literally, gets in his car, drives away, and deserts him. Before he drove away, all he said was, "You're a disgrace. You're a homosexual! You're embarrassing." Neil crying into you and Todd's arms right then and there, causing Mr. Keating to have to come and step in 

-The next day Neil had to leave Welton and was basically alone. Until, your parents adopt him. They always wanted another child but couldn't get pregnant

-You and Todd helped him catch up on school for the two days he missed

-This makes celebrating holidays wayyy easier and your relationship way more enjoyable

-You all give one another promise rings that holiday season to remember what happened that winter night after Neil's first play, pledging that you'd all be there for one another and love each other forever

-You and Todd helping heal Neil for the next few years after what happened that very night. What his father said really hurt him. He wasn't the same for a while

Author's Note:  I saw another author write a preference like this and wanted to do my take on it. So thank you to that author for inspiring me <3   I was thinking about making this preference into a seperate book. I really think writing about being in a poly relationship with Todd and Neil could be a great and beautiful story. And I'm sorry, if I write ANYTHING with Dead Poets influence, I can't write about the fate of Neil. I'll always keep him alive and safe. I sort of love him too much to admit what happened LOL! SORRY! Unless you want it in an imagine, I will choose not to write about Neil's death. Thank you for understanding lovies and please comment any ideas if you have any <3

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