"I just love you" :CHARLIE DALTON IMAGINE:

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TW:// Cursing and smoking

You had a chemistry test tomorrow and you were just informed. You usually liked to have two days to look over the material but you got about twelve hours now.. You couldn't stop shaking and feeling so nervous. Because you were freaking the fuck out, you didn't really hang out with the poets that afternoon. 

You just went to the back of the school that overlooked the lake and sat down, trying to calm yourself down. You shakingly pulled a cigarette from your back pocket and let it, pulling your cardigan tighter around your body, not knowing if you were cold and shivering or shaking from fear. Either way you didn't care. You just wanted your stomach to stop feeling so nervous.

You hit the ash off the bottom of your cigarette and began hearing footsteps. You placed the cigarette behind your thigh so no one could see, just in case it was an educator. You looked and then felt relief rush through your bones. It was just your boyfriend, Charlie. He fake gasped and grabbed your shoulders, shaking you back and forth, 

"SMOKING ON SCHOOL PROPERTY?" You laughed and smacked his stomach, pushing his arms off of you. He stepped behind you and rubbed his arms down your chest and pulled your back to his chest. You picked up your cigarette, taking another puff before placing it in front of Charlie's lips, to which he took a puff and then blew the smoke away from you both.

"You're nervous and overthinking. About what though?" He asked, kissing your neck and cheek. You blushed but it didn't make you feel much better. You just shrugged and held his hands that were wrapped across your chest. 

"I'm just incredibly nervous about the chemistry test tomorrow. I don't think I have enough time to study. And if I flunk it, I might never leave my bed ever again." You confessed, dropping your head and turning your head to him. He sat down beside your and began playing with your knuckles, kissing your hand as well. 

"You won't flunk it. I took that test today and I passed with flying colors. Mostly because I cheated off of Knox but either way, most of us did just fine. And you're smart, pumpkin. It'll be fine, I hate when you worry." He kissed your lips and forehead. You blushed and looked away. He stood up and you thought he was leaving, which made you sad. You felt better, a bit better, and you just wanted to relax and admire the beauty of your school when sometimes it felt like a dungeon. But all he did was stand, leaning on the brick tower beside you guys. You put your cigarette out and rested your head on the brick pillar, watching a trail of geese make their way across the grass in the distance. You found them adorable and remembered when your grandfather got chased by a bunch of them, running to the car and locking you outside of the car with the killer geese. You smiled at the memory, remembering your grandfather very fondly, missing him. He would love Charlie, his wild attitude and his sensitive ability to hold a good conversation when needed. But you saw him not that often anymore due to school and him just being old. 

You felt eyes on you, staring. You stopped grinning into the distance and picked your head up, running your hand through your hair. You looked back and forth, seeing if anyone else was there. But then you looked at Charlie. He was smirking sweetly and had been staring at you for quite some time. You giggled and looked to him, raising your eyebrows and biting your lip. 

"What, babe?" You asked, smiling. He shrugged, standing up straight. 

"I just love you." He whispered, looking back into the distance. You stood up off of the cobblestone you sat on, leaning into Charlie's chest and grabbing his hand. He put his arm around you and kissed your hair, pulling it out of your face, and ran his fingers through it. He ran his hands down your sides to your arms and pulled them around him waist, making you hold him. You chuckled and put your chin on your chest, looking up at you. He kissed your nose and pulled off his jacket, wrapping it around your body. He held it around you and looked back at the geese you once stared at.

"Aren't you cold?" You asked him, standing, going to remove the jacket. He placed his hands back on you, holding his jacket around you.

"Yes but you're shivering. You're more important, babygirl (or boy, or just baby <3)." You put his hand in his and pulled him to your side. 

"Well let's walk inside, just in case you start shivering too." He didn't move. He just sat where you once sat, placing his legs on either side of the cobblestone wall. He tapped his chest, holding out his arms. You cuddled into his chest, laying your head on it and putting your hands on his waist. He put his arms through his jacket, the back of it facing the front now. It was wrapped around you and sealed tightly because his arms were through it as well. You blushed at this, never wanting to leave his embrace. 

"I just want to sit here with you. For now." He said, kissing your head. You blushed and nodded.

"I love you." You whispered. 

"I love you more, pumpkin." He said, picking up your chin, and placing your lips on his. 

&quot;Carpe Diem... that's seize the day.&quot; DEAD POETS SOCIETY PREFERENCES/IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now