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^Author's Note: I love this gif, sorry, ok. Look at Charlie in the back as well, ahhh.

-Routine morning, afternoon, evening, and night calls on the phone. 

-Date nights every Saturday night, the boys help him sneak out of Welton or help sneak you in Welton. 

-Sometimes spending the night on Saturday's.

-Being best friends with Todd.

-Sometimes attending the Dead Poets Society meetings.

-Cuddling... all of the time.

-He likes to be little spoon when you guys are going to sleep but if you're just hanging out, he is ALWAYS holding you.

-Always asking if he can run through his lines with you.

-Deep talks at least twice a week.

-Both of you having crying sessions at least once a week.

-His parents LOVING you.

-Your parents openly hating his father but adoring Neil to no end.

-Slow dancing to no music when one of you are sad.

-He always brings you flowers 

   -"Neil we've been dating for five months, I know you're a gentlemen. You don't have to keep buying me flowers."

   -"Well I like to. And you deserve them, darling."

-Compliments 24/7

-Long hugs out of nowhere

-Neck kisses...

"Carpe Diem... that's seize the day." DEAD POETS SOCIETY PREFERENCES/IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now