"All of those stars- they have a reason." :NEIL PERRY REQUEST:

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Author's Note: For the great @hellomyluvies  THANK YOU FOR REQUESTING, LOVE! As for everyone else who requested an imagine, your requests are coming soonnn. I'm so sorry I'm running late with these requests but they're coming soon!!! <3

Bella found herself hopelessly... lost? Yes, lost. She was roaming around her own room, rubbing her hands up and down her own arms, looking out her own window, waiting for night to fall. It had been a long day without him. A long day she spent without her Neil. No, Bella thought. He's not your Neil, Bella thought again.

It had been a long and sorrowful day without him but he was off achieving his dreams and being his wild self. He has many interviews with drama/acting schools that day. He had kept Bella awake all night for the last three days. Not that she minded. His beady nose and dreamy eyes filled with pure worry looked so remarkable in the midnights moonlight. Bella adored watching him speak so late into the night. Nighttime made everyone look angelic but it made Neil appear godlike.

Those last three nights Neil found himself unable to sleep. Unable to just lay down and doze off like he typically did. A lot had been off recently with him. Maybe it was the stress from the auditions. Maybe it was just... maybe it was her. Bella. Recently he had felt differently towards her. No, not recently, Neil thought. You've felt this way forever. Don't invalidate your feelings. She's always telling you that. Listen to her, she's your smart woman. No wait- she's not YOUR woman, you're not her keeper, weirdo...

Those last three nights he spent rambling on and on and on some more to her about his worries and his troubles were the best nights of his life. They sat close, barely any air between their bodies. Their hands rested on one another's bodies, either on a waist or on a leg or on a knee. Bella would occasionally push Neil's floppy hair behind his ear and adjust the way his robe fell on his neck. She just wanted an excuse to touch him sweetly and passionately, but also in a way that wouldn't scare off her dear friend. But Neil would never be scared away from her. Not even if she turned into a werewolf on a night with a full moon. He'd always feel fond of her. He'd always feel soft for her. He'd always love her.

Bella was just about to stop pacing her room. She was waiting for Neil to arrive back from his interview but it had gotten late, very late. She was tired and eye bags dragged her eyes down and turned her under eyes purple. She got more cold as the seconds ticked and her cold hands did absolutely nothing to warm her frozen body. She pulled back her cold bed sheets and went to step her legs under the blankets. That's when her door gently sounded with a knock. Neil's knock. Bella knew Neil's knock like the back of her hand. It was a gallant but gentle knock. Just a Neil knock. Bella ran to the door and yanked it open, a massive smile pulsing on her soft face. He returned the smile.
"Good evening." Neil whispered through the darkness. He put his hand out to her, signaling he wanted to take her somewhere. Nighttime excursions. This wasn't rare for this odd pair. They constantly snuck out and into the night, not caring if they got into trouble. They would do anything to be in each other's company. Neil would especially do anything for his beautiful Bella.

Bella took his hand and closed the door behind her. Neil pulled her shivering body close to his as they jogged down the hall. They muffled their laughs and removed their shoes so their socks traced the floor instead. Less noise. Less chance of awakening anyone, their friends included. Their friends knew Neil and Bella were close but they didn't know about their excursions, their late night talks, and their occasional flirting. Well Todd knew because he was closest to Neil. And Meeks knew because he was closest to Bella. Outside of that quartet though, no one knew.

Neil helped Bella outside as they jogged into the woods surrounding their school. As soon as they got far enough, Neil threw his head up and his arms out, shouting with glee. He picked up Bella and swung her around laughing hysterically as well. Bella liked his excitement. His smile was just... hypnotic, in the greatest way. His smile ran circles around the large brain Bella had, the brain that was filled of genius thoughts and wild fantasies filled with her future job and her future college career and ones of her and Neil.
"I suppose the interviews went well?" Bella asked as she sat down on a large boulder. Neil spun around then collapsed in front of her. He put his hands on her knees and grabbed her hands.
"More than well. Good. No- great! Absolutely great. I am just so excited for school outside of this hell hole. I can't wait to take you with me when I'm out touring and doing shows." He exclaimed as he moved closer to Bella and put his forehead down on her hands. He was smiling so much that his face and head was shaking. Bella tickled the tops of his hands with her thumbs. She placed her head on his and giggled. His statement was funny and delightful, but still unfactual.
"You won't want me on tour with you, Neil." He looked up at her and sat beside her. He removed his sweater and placing it around her shivering body. One arm of his went around her torso. One hand of his went on top of hers. He placed his head on her shoulder and nuzzled close. She felt heat rise in her stomach along with butterflies. How she loved her Neil. Bella didn't even correct herself that time she called him her Neil.
"Yes, I will. Not only that, I'll need you on your with me, Bella. You're my right hand woman... my woman." Neil didn't correct himself that time either. Bella didn't want him too. She moved closer to him and lifted her head. The stars. They looked so different that evening, Bella had noticed. They were all aligned in a perfect array. She even saw Jupiter. She elbowed Neil and motioned to the sky. He looked up and sighed.
"All of those stars- they have a reason." Neil mumbled as he kept his eye on the Draco constellation. Bella looked at him instead now, noticing his midnight beauty once again. She took two of her fingers and stroked his defined cheekbone. He leaned into her touch. How he loved her gentle touch.
"What do you mean, Neil?" She whispered. He shrugged and picked up her hand. He placed it back on his cheek and motioned he wanted her to keep doing that motion.
"They all have a reason to be in the sky. To shine. To just be... well, a star. Just like me. I'm going to be a star one day. No one will stop me. Except maybe you." Bella snatched her hand back as shock invaded her body. Neil looked at her in fear. He didn't say anything wrong. At least he didn't mean to.
"Never let me stop you from doing anything, Neil. Ever. Absolutely never. I'm going to the top with you, like you said. But even then, if I don't go to the top with you... you must keep going. Seeing you waste your talent and break your dreams would be more heartbreaking than to see you leave me to achieve your dreams. I- you- I am so proud of you." Bella mustered out, now out of words to say to the love of her life. Neil just looked at her. His eyes glistened like a diamond
under a bright light. His beauty shined upon her like the stars he had just talked about. They were glistening with tears.
"You're constantly choose to lift someone up and constantly choosing to show someone how great they are. Sometimes I feel that... that you forget to credit yourself and notice how amazing YOU are. So allow me. I'm so proud of you as well. You're smart, passionate, compassionate. And I love you... I love you so much for just being purely amazing." Neil sighed out with a smile busting out on his face as he said the word amazing. He pulled Bella's hands inside of his and kissed her knuckles. Bella took one of her hands back, setting it free, and ran it through Neil's hair. He moved closer as he smiled harder and put his forehead to hers. Their lips threatened to touch and flirted with the idea of colliding. Eventually, Bella closed the gap. She ran her hand that was in his hair to his cheek and her other hand to the side of his neck. Neil's arms latched around her waist. Their lips danced in sequence and constantly picked up speed and then slowed down, dramatically.
"I love you too." Bella said, breaking her kiss with Neil. He giggled and pulled her lips back to his. But then, she broke away again. "Wait- are we dating now?" Neil laughed and nodded, pushing his girlfriends arm.
"Obviously!" He shouted, pulling his sweater tighter around her body. Bella grinned and pulled him back to her. The stars continued to shine. Their lips continued to kiss. Their love continued to grow.

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