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Neil Perry=

-Charlie Dalton

-He hides it very well. You're actually one of the people he'd NEVER make a romantic or flirtatious comment to, he treats you as one of the guys

-He likes you so much because you have an assertive and loud personality, the star of your own show, but that's also why you mesh so well with Neil. He'd never ruin what you guys have

Todd Anderson=

-Gerard Pitts

-It's not that he has a crush on YOU, more or less he has one on your caring and compassionate attitude towards Todd

-He doesn't have comfort or a loving force in his life that often. His parents really care about him but they also sometimes forget to value his feelings. You ALWAYS value Todd's. He just wants someone like you in his life

Knox Overstreet=

-Todd Anderson

-He just likes you and thinks Knox doesn't treat you as well as he should. Knox is just a romantic, not a devout and caring lover. Todd thinks Knox should treat you like a royal!

-Any time Knox isn't treating you nicely or fairly, Todd is always the one that comforts you the most and gives you the best supportive kind words

Charlie Dalton=

-Richard Cameron

-He always finds you when you're alone and REALLY tries to get you to dump Charlie. As much as you say it'll never happen, he never listens

-He gets aggressive and mean when you turn him down because he hates humility or signs of weakness

Steven Meeks=

-Neil Perry

-Neil just finds you fun and incredibly smart. He likes being near you and likes hearing you speak, laugh, and always tries to make conversation with you

-He understands boundaries though and never tries to make Meeks uncomfortable with the friendship you and Neil have, even if Neil likes you as more than a friend

Gerard Pitts=


-He always sees you around Welton, in English class, and with Pitts. He always finds himself jealous, wanting to take Pitts place. But he has never worked up enough courage to talk to you so he just sits, staring longingly and enviously at you and Pitts

-You always just grin and wave when you catch him staring, making him flustered

"Carpe Diem... that's seize the day." DEAD POETS SOCIETY PREFERENCES/IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now