"I'm going to do it, Charlie." :CHARLIE DALTON REQUEST:

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Author's note: For @biggestsimpforcedric  ILY!!!

"I don't know what to do Vlada. They... oh my gosh they never shut up. Never, ever!" Charlie complained, not caring if his friends heard him. He hoped the did. He honestly really did. Welton Academy just started permitting two girls from all existing Vermont counties to attend their school. This was a MASSIVE deal to the boys who had never really had genuine feelings toward their gender counterparts because... well... they never had the chance!
"Aw I'm sorry, Charlie. No pun intended. Just try to focus on the positives." Vlada laughed into the phone. That laugh could heal a thousand souls in Charlie's opinion. It definitely calmed his angry and ticked off self. He loved the way Vlada could do that... control him. For someone who hated rules, hated following rules, and hated rule followers, he loved the way Vlada made him because such a sucker. Yes, they were best friends, but in Charlie's mind, he'd always be her guy.
"What positives?" He asked, leaning his head back against the wall. He knew the positive. He had been thinking about the positive for the last month of his life. He just wanted to hear her say it. Vlada gasped dramatically in a fake and fabricated offended way. Charlie bit his lip and let his blush scatter his cheeks. He wondered if Vlada could feel his heart gushing through the phone.
"I AM COMING TO SCHOOL DUMMY! First time since seventh grade. And we're going to tear Helton a new one." He smiled. Of course she knew the positive. She knew everything. That was yet another thing he loved about her.
"Hell yeah we are..." That's when he paused. She, Vlada, is coming to Welton. With a bunch of ravenous girl starved and toxin starved pubescent boys who have absolutely no right speaking nor even looking at her. He didn't even know if he had such a pleasure. He wouldn't let them touch her. VLADA was HIS. Yes, he knew he sounded like a Bohemian king talking about one of his nine wives and that what he was saying was terribly terribly terribly against his women support women rhetoric, but Vlada was his girl! "...Vlada, can I call you later?" He waisted no time to go and tell the other jerks what the hell his rules are. He didn't even wait for Vlada to respond, which he felt bad about. He just slammed the phone against its spot on the wall and bolted to their common room.

He pushed the doors open, making it slam against the wall and cause a crack to form. All of the boys in the room stopped talking about the girls they hoped were coming to Welton. It didn't take long for their conversations to start back up though. Todd jumped and covered his head, flinching. Neil chuckled at his jumpy friend and looked over at Charlie.
"Charlie you made Todd soil himself, was it necessary?" Charlie stormed to the table all of the Dead Poets were sat at. He pounded his fists on the table, making Todd jump again.
"Charlie, it's not funny anymore." Neil warned, sitting in closer to Charlie. Charlie continued to look at all of them.
"My best friend since childhood who I'm halfway in love with is coming to Welton in two days with the rest of the fleet of women. I'm warning you, right now, don't ask her out. Don't. I never care who you guys date and I never care who you fancy but don't you fucking dare even THINK about dating her or looking at her with the dreamy lovey dovey heart eyes. Got it?" Charlie warned, his eyes seizing. All of the boys nodded quickly, somewhat fearful of Charlie's wrath. They all went back to their conversations or their school work. That was until Knox because to laugh.
"I'm going to do it, Charlie." He told him, smacking his shoulder, and walking out of the room. He couldn't tell if Knox was serious or not. Why would Knox lie? Yeah he would bust Charlie's chops but... not like this. Something else was... was brewing. Charlie looked at Meeks who looked at Cameron who looked at Todd who looked at Neil who looked at Pitts who then looked at Charlie again. They all had that gut feeling. Knox wasn't joking. He wasn't lying. Even though he was dating Chris in some sort of fling type of way, he was doing the farthest thing from kidding. Charlie felt ill.

The day came and a bunch of cars were at the front of Welton. About forty girls all stood stiff with worry as their parents bid them well at their new school. Charlie had seen Vlada from his dorm window and decided to go greet her. He couldn't wait any longer. He bolted out the doors and over to her, shouting her name the entire way. Vlada turned around and met him halfway. She jumped up and he caught her, spinning her. He gently placed her on the ground and they were in a fit of laughter. Charlie wanted to kiss her. It would've been the perfect moment. But they were just friends. He just hugged her again to fill that void.
"I'm so excited you're here." Charlie whispered as her parents waved to him. He waved as they swayed in a hug. Vlada rubbed her hands down his arms as they pulled away.
"I'm so excited I'm here. Can you help me carry my stuff up the stairs? Sorry Charlie." She said with her teeth gritted together in a half smile. He laughed and walked to her bags that were still by her parents Mustang. He shook her parents hands but her mom pulled Charlie in for a hug. Then the two were off. Charlie was telling her all about the school, the teachers, Mr. Keating. He was speaking even faster than usual and it was making Vlada overtly excited. The two struggled up the stairs to the girls dorm rooms and walked down the winding halls.
"You must be Vlada!" A voice sounded as Charlie placed her bags on the bed. It was Neil. Vlada turned and shook his extended hand. He had a large smile on his face. He finally got to meet the person Charlie had fallen head over heels for.
"That's me! Nice to meet you!" Three other people walked in her door. They all shook her hand just like Neil did, quickly and kindly. Except the one. The one boy was slow and rubbed the top of her hand with his thumb. It made her feel a bit strange. They just met... why was he... why was he already being so flirtatious?
"Uh em- Vlada, that's Gerard Pitts, Steven Meeks, and Kn-Knox Overstreet." The boy gripping her hand in such a strange manner was Knox Overstreet. She took note of that.
"Knox sure loves handshakes." She said, yanking her hand back. All the boys laughed mockingly. Knox blushed and shrugged. Charlie felt more relaxed... Knox was already being turned down.
"Just like to treat a beautiful women correctly. Especially the ones I want to take out on a date..." He said slowly. Vlada was caught of guard and a bit angry. Why couldn't Charlie ask her out like this? She gulped and shrugged, all of the boys hating the tension as much as she did.
"I'm going to be busy with school and unpacking and catching up with Charlie for a while... so- I'm not sure. Maybe another time at a later date." She said, turning Knox down. Neil licked his lips and his eyes fell wide open with shock. He walked away and said he'd see everyone later. Knox followed him. Pitts and Meeks apologized then left. Charlie should've been bursting with anger but instead, he felt relieved. Instead, he was proud of Vlada. Vlada closed her door and stood against it, completely freaked out.
"I should've stayed at my old school." She said with a laugh. She covered her eyes and walked back to Charlie, sitting next to him on her bed.
"It's better you said no." Charlie admitted. That's when Vlada's face changed. She looked angry. Offended. Charlie felt himself die inside. Did he say something wrong?
"Well why's that?" She asked, snippy. Vlada took that personally for some reason. It sounded as if she wasn't good enough for Knox or she'd be  sad lover. The fact she was head over heels for Charlie and he was oblivious to it didn't help.
"Well you know... just wouldn't be good." He said. He didn't know what else to say.
"No, why?" She asked more sternly, standing up. He stood up with her, trying to stop her from getting more offended.
"Just wouldn't be a good pairing, Vlada." He admitted. Vlada scoffed and folded her arms.
"Then in that case..." She walked away and grabbed the door handle. She yanked it open and poked her body out. "HEY KNOX!" He wasn't even there but she was hoping Charlie would say more about why they would be a 'bad pairing.'

Her hopes were answered when Charlie bolted to the door and slammed it, pulling Vlada inside, and pushing her against the wall. He wasn't aggressive or mean. Just firm and defiant. He locked the door next.
"Vlada what was that?!?" He yelled, anger finally pulsing through his veins.
"What's with you?!? I changed my mind, I want to talk to Knox." She unlocked the door and went to open it. Charlie slammed it once again and locked it right after that.
"YOU CAN'T!!!" He screamed. He put his hands on her shoulders and felt his face getting hot. She got closer and pushed his hands off of her.
"YOU CAN'T BECAUSE YOU ARE THE LIGHT AND LOVE OF MY LIFE. YOU ARE THE REASON I WAKE UP AND GO TO SLEEP. YOU ARE THE REASON WHY LOVE SONGS MAKE SENSE. YOU ARE THE REASON WHY I FEEL LIKE I AM LIVING MY LIFE IN A LOVE SONG SO- so... so please... don't date my best friend." Charlie pleaded. Vlada froze. He might've been oblivious to her feelings but she was also oblivious to his. She gulped and held his hands tighter. She spun around, now pinning Charlie against the wall. Their lips met, and moved together in the most glorious and anticipated kiss ever. Not only that, it was Charlie's first kiss. And it wasn't the last they ever shared. Definitely not. How can you only kiss someone once when they are the light and love of your life?

"Carpe Diem... that's seize the day." DEAD POETS SOCIETY PREFERENCES/IMAGINESTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon