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TW:// Sexy stuff, NOT SMUT, but you know there's a bit of sensual stuff

Neil Perry=

-Unpredicted but sweet

-You guys had a late drama club meeting and decided that you were just too excited about the play to go back to Welton and sleep. You guys decided to take a drive around town and ended up stopping in the park. You guys went into the trunk to lay down and watch the stars

-You guys spoke a little bit about the play, but mostly just laid with smiles on and in comfortable silence. Then, you kissed Neil. That was fine. He was your boyfriend. Then you both slowly started getting more intimate, and began to makeout. Soon enough, you were both only in your undergarments and two complete messes, not getting enough one another

-Then Neil stopped kissing you all of a sudden. You guys knew what you were about to do. You both wanted it and you felt ready, you loved one another and were excited. Although you didn't really talk about it previously, making it unpredicted, you guys did it. Although it was such a romantic movie trope, popping your cherry in the trunk of a car, it was really nice for both of you. Neil was incredibly gentle, not going to fast or rough unless you asked. He kissed you in all of the right ways, whispered all the right things, and simply tried his hardest to please you. Once you both were exhausted and ready to go back home, you went back to Welton and you spent the night with him. He kept asking if you felt okay and needed anything. Then you did it again because Todd wasn't there for some reason... in the moment it didn't concern either of you so-

Todd Anderson=

-Nerve wracking and slow, but delightful

-Todd and you were in his room. All of the boys were either at a practice of some sort, hanging out with one another, studying... leaving you two to your own masses. You guys were just cuddling, laughing, talking. Then all of a sudden, you made eye contact, stopping laughing and just stared. It sounds creepy but in the moment, it was tension filled and beautiful. You swooped in, kissing your boyfriend's lips, then crawling on top of him. He was letting you do what you want, completely trusting and loving you

-You slowly undressed one another, kissed harder and loved harder, occasionally asking if both of you were okay. Todd would just nodd, bright red, looking down with his eyes almost shut. He had never seen someone so beautiful as you, and never made out with you this seriously, almost completely naked. He knew what was about to happen. He asked if you wanted to DO it. You agreed

-You slowly laid down and tried to get in the mood. Todd was just so nervous. You could feel him shaking, his breath incredibly heavy, him lips unable to stop feeling hot. Soon, you felt bad for your little shy lover, unable to stop his emotions. So you took control, with his consent. You were more comfortable with yourself and the subject of sex, at least more comfortable than Todd. Once you took control, it was actually enjoyable and fun, making it delightful. The slowness was worth it because once it REALLY got started and began happening, it was amazing. Todd didn't say much after. He just cuddled into you or held you, kissing you occasionally and then apologizing for being so shy. Although after that first time, Todd got much more comfortable with you and was much more comfortable taking control in those situations

Knox Overstreet=

-Cliche but pleasant

-LITERALLY WHAT YOU SEE IN THE PG-13 movies. He touched you ever so gently, kissed you ever so sweetly, and basically made you feel so important. Not only that, he let you do what you PERSONALLY wanted. If you wanted control, he gave it over to you. If you wanted him in control, he took it and took it really well

-It was on a outdoor furniture bed in your backyard. Super super super strange but you were home alone, and your neighbors were also out. You two had lit a fire pit and had been flirting sexily all night. After the fire pit was lit, you cuddled into him, and took the flirting ten times further. You stood up, taking him and his lips with you, and fell backward on the bed. He slowly undressed you, you slowly undressed him, and it happened

-You used a large pool towel as a blanket. That was the only thing that was really annoying. You were sort of shivering the entire time, even with the fire. Besides the coldness, it was perfect. Knox was perfect

Charlie Dalton=

-Alluring but yet strange

-It was a typical night of dancing, out and about with Charlie. All of a sudden, it hit you like a ton of bricks. You wanted Charlie. In a way you had never had him before. You whispered to him, over the loud music, to follow you to the boys bathroom. He knew what was going on. He bit his lips and looked around, seeing if anyone else noticed. No one did. The couples surrounding you were too busy being couples

-You immediately took him to a stall... and well... yeah. You always thought a first time with someone was supposed to be special. In retrospect, maybe it wasn't so special. But to you two, it couldn't have gone better. You were alone together, in your iconic date spot, and sensual music was BLARING muffled from the main dance room

-You couldn't help but notice, even if it was his first time, Charlie was a slick and seductive lover. He was rough but gentle, controlling but submissive... sort of everything you wanted and needed in that moment. It was a quick little moment, but you both lost your innocence as the nuns from your past all (boys/girls) school would call it, and you were so happy. He was happy too. That night, you couldn't stop talking about it. Even though it might be weird to talk about it with on another, it wasn't weird to either of you. It was quite amusing and fun

Steven Meeks=

-Hysterical, incredibly funny

-You guys were making out on his bed with the moment you had together. Typically one of the boys were looking for you, because you two were the smartest in school, so this blissful moment you guys had, you used wisely. You were under him and he was roughly but sweetly kissing you. Then it really started getting heated

-Once you both were free of all clothes and under his bedsheets, you couldn't take one another seriously. You went to kiss but would stop and then tip over, laughing. Or if you finally kissed, you laugh and smile against his lips which would make him sweetly giggle to you and say, 'Stop laughing, love. This is supposed to be sexy... or something.' That statement made you completely break down. You dropped your head, making your hair tickle his hand on your lower back, and you shouted 'SEXY???' through a fit of laughter

-Eventually, you guys did it. You laughed the entire time but it wasn't in a bad way. You just couldn't believe people did this and kept a straight and seductive attitude. Of course eventually you guys would be serious and sexy but for the first time, you just couldn't. It was near impossible

Gerard Pitts=

-Consensual and kind

-You guys took it slow. That day, he brought it up to you, asking if you wanted to... have sex that night. You agreed, then feeling incredibly nervous until the time arrived. Once it did, he met you in your room and you two calmly kissed and settled down, cuddling and pampering one another sweetly. Then he finally started to take control, undressing himself and letting you help him, then pulling your clothes off

-With every move he did he would ask, 'You okay, baby?' Once you nodded or told him yes, he'd go further. He would occasionally looked up at you for confirmation as well. You'd just smirk and nod

-Once it actually began happening, he complimented you to no avail. Telling you that you were beautiful, amazing, he loved you, then of course, asked if you were okay. You'd tell him yes, because you were. He just made you feel so safe and valid the entire time. When he said you were beautiful, you believed him. When he said he loved you, you said it back, twice. Then afterward he just cuddled you, playing with your hair, tracing circles on your soft skin

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