"You weren't included in that statement." :A GERARD PITT'S IMAGINE:

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You had your head in a book studying Latin because you were behind on your studies. You sat with your best friends, Meeks and Pitts, as they worked on a radio... or at least you thought it was a radio. You weren't into a lot of techy or sciencey things like they were and you were too focused on Latin to ask. And you were a little too busy focusing on Pittsy as he worked. Yes, he was your best friend and yes, you knew dating him MIGHT create a strange dynamic within your friend group... but you really liked you. You might have loved him. You didn't like to think about it too often because it made you upset. There was no way he liked you back, never ever ever. Even if you were currently wearing his Welton sweatshirt at that exact moment, he didn't like you back. He was your friend. That's he let you wear his clothes. 

You turned around to ask Neil a question because he was a bit better at Latin than you. As you went to open your mouth and as Neil leaned into you and your book, Knox walked in the room. You were the first to look up at him. He looked struck. Struck by some energy... who had hurt him?

He had been at the Danberry's house, some posh family that was close with his father, and you wanted to know how it went. The food must've been good. Any food is better than the food they serve at Welton. 

Then as Knox spoke more and more, it all made sense. Why he walked in so weird. Why he was so strange. Why he was so upset. 

He had fallen in love with Chet Danberry's girlfriend, Chris. You couldn't help but laugh and pity the love struck boy with Neil and Charlie. That's quite upsetting for Knox. He had never really LIKED a girl, and now that he finally did, she was taken. Even if she for some reason became untaken, she wasn't available. If he dated her, the relationship his father had the the Danberry's themselves would be out the window, gone. And then Knox would be in deep deep deep shit. 

The worst part was, Chet Danberry was a GIANT jerk. Terrible person. Bitter and stuck up rich boy. Not like the Dead Poets. He wasn't sweet and funny and kind to girls. He was just a pure jerk. His name said it all... Chet. Does that sound like the name of a GOOD man?

"Chet's a jerk. You know all of the good ones go for jerks." Pitts said to Knox, trying to make him feel better. That's when (Y/N) went red. No one noticed or took into consideration that what Pitt's said might've offended her. So she just sat back down in her seat, ignoring what happened, reading her Latin again. But then she got uncomfortable. With herself and Pitts. She unzippered the sweatshirt she had been wearing, Pitt's of course. She hung it on the back of her chair and cleared her throat, resting her hand across her face, trying to hide her redness. Trying to mask the embarrassment. Neil then noticed her quirks. The sweatshirt, the rapid clearing her throat, the question she never asked him and instead just sat back down in her seat trying to hide. Neil, Charlie, and Meeks were the only ones who knew about her crush. So Neil looked up at Charlie, who motioned to (Y/N). Then Charlie chucked paper at Meeks. That wasn't odd though because Charlie is Charlie, he does that stupid stuff all of the time. But Meeks was smart and caught Neil and Charlie's drift, not only that, he felt (Y/N)'s embarrassment BUSTING out of her. He nudged his foot against Pitt's who looked at him and then looked at (Y/N) who refused to look up. 

"Oh- you weren't included in that statement." Pitts told her, making her look up and clear her throat again. 

"Ye-yeah, yeah I know." (Y/N) said, just feeling uncomfortable and sad. Pitt's didn't like her. Pitt's didn't want her. Pitt's was her friend and that was it. He'd never know about her crush and never know how she truly felt. Even if she just wanted to stand up on the table and yawp "I LOVE GERARD PITT'S", she didn't. She wouldn't. Most certainly, she couldn't. 

"Then why'd you take his sweatshirt off?" Meeks asked her wittily, hiding his smirk and slowly meeting her gaze. She went bright red and looked away, feeling all of the poets eyes on her. She tried to smile, to hide the embarrassment, but it didn't work. Her face wouldn't move. 

"I was going to give it back to him because I'm going to bed... and- I don't wear sweatshirts to bed. Here, Pitt's." She stood up, slamming her books shut, and picking them up. She dropped the sweatshirt in his lap and waved goodnight to everyone. Before she left, she kissed Knox's hair and told him it would all be okay with Chris. He just nodded and thanked her. But before she could say 'no problem' she was bolting out of the door. 

(Y/N) wanted Pitt's so bad. Wanted to be his girlfriend. Wanted to just be called 'his girl.' But she didn't want to mess up the friendship she had with Pitt's or the other boys. She just wished she could take a knife and cut this pain, trouble, and confusion from her heart. But she couldn't do that either. So instead she got ready for bed. 


"You're an actual idiot." Charlie said, smacking Pitt's head and pushing his shoulder. He clicked his tongue and stared at Charlie, utterly confused. 

"What why? What do you mean?"

"She likes you dingbat!" Cameron shouted at him, laughing. Pitt's looked at all of them, appalled. But then, slowly, he began to blush. A smile grew on his face. A girl liked him. It wasn't just any girl. It was (Y/N) (L/N)! His best friend, his partner in crime, the girl he thought about night and day- day and night! He wondered if she thought of him as often as he thought of her. He wondered if when they hugged and sat together as friends, if she felt the butterflies in her stomach and if her heart became all a flutter. He wondered if she noticed little weird things he did. Like he noticed the way she touched her hair, the way she swung her legs back and forth when she was sitting in class, the way she bit her fingers when she read a really good book, the way she laughed extra hard at Charlie's jokes in fear of making him feel bad when no one laughed. Because he noticed. He noticed everything. He loved everything he noticed. He loved her in general. 

"She likes me?" He asked, blushing and smirking. The boys all rolled their eyes at his shock. How had he NOT noticed? After all the signals she sent him, he didn't notice that? So much for loving everything he noticed. 

"If you don't go apologize to her right now and ask her out, I'm going to smother you in your sleep." Charlie told him, picking Pitt's up from his chair, throwing him out the door of the common room. Pitt's began running to her dorm room, blushing, smiling, laughing, everything! He was so shocked and so happy and so... once again, everything! He was feeling all of the feels. 

He ran down the halls, whispering her name. She was nowhere to be found though. So he ran straight to her dorm, pounding on the door. 

She opened it, wide eyed, staring at the hunched over out of breath Pitt's. She laughed at him, feeling a bit happy he got karma for what he said to her about all the good girls loving jerks. She helped him inside and sat him on her bed, laughing. 

"Do you want water?" (Y/N) asked him. He sighed, shaking his head, finally catching his breath. 

"No- no, I'm good. Thank you."

"So then, why're you hear?" She asked, sitting next to him. He turned to her, thinking hard. His eyes traced her face, admiring all of her features. Her lips, her sweet eyes, her gentle soft skin. He grabbed her cheeks and pulled her face to his, kissing her softly, not really knowing how so he winged it. (Y/N) had to admit, he was good for only kissing someone once. 

Butterflies EXPLODED in her stomach and in her chest. She felt like she was dancing and skipping and singing with glee. She just scooted closer to him, wrapping her legs around him, on either side of his thighs. She now straddled the love of her life. 

"I told you, you weren't included in that statement." He whispered, kissing her once more. She clenched his shoulders, her face bright red and blushy. He loved the way she blushed. 

"You're also a jerk for saying that though... so I guess, I am a good girl after all?" She flirted, grinning. 

"Shut up!" He whispered through a breathy laugh, kissing her once more. 

She never felt so happy. He never felt so lucky. They finally had one another and no one would take them away from one another. 

"Carpe Diem... that's seize the day." DEAD POETS SOCIETY PREFERENCES/IMAGINESDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora