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Author's Note: I had to do this... she's just way too beautiful and sweet and amazing

How You Met=
TW:/// Sexual Assault
-You were friends with Ginny Danbury. You were currently at her play promotion party and you were sitting by the record player. Ginny put you in charge of being the DJ.

-You kept an eye on a girl across the party... the beautiful Chris Noel. She was dating Chet Danbury and had came as his date. But currently, Chet was talking to some of his buddies and Chris was sleeping on the couch. That's why you were keeping an eye on her.

-You turned your head for one second. One Second. That one second costed her a lifetime. Some boy, a prep school freak, what macking on her. You shot up and launched at him, yanking him off of the couch, and beating the living piss out of him. That prep school freak, later known as Knox Overstreet, literally didn't know what hit him.

-Chet pulled you off of him and threw Knox out the front door. You turned to Chris, who had began crying on the couch, terrified of what had just happened to her and what she had just seen. You asked if you could hug her. She didn't responded. She just collapsed in your arms. You then took her for fresh air in the backyard. "I'm (Y/N), by the way." She looked up at you, sniffling and her face all red. "I'm Chris... you were like my Joan of Ark or my Hercules back there... thank you for sticking up for me, you're so kind." She then rested her head on your shoulder. She was even nicer than you thought.

Your First Date=
-You took her on a picnic out in the countryside! That night of the party, you both talked about how much you loved them, and the conversation really helped take Chris's mind off of what had happened.

-One night, while talking on the phone, she asked you if you'd like to go on a picnic date with her. Although you reluctantly agreed. At the time, she was still technically Chet's girl. But you adored her and she asked you out... so you said yes.

-At the picnic, you helped her come up with a plan to break up with Chet.

Your First Kiss=
-It was actually a New Years Kiss. Right as it hit midnight, and everyone around you was celebrating, you two sat in the corner of the New Years party and stared at one another. Then she kissed your cheek, bashfully. You then asked if you could kiss her lips. She kissed you in response.

Your Favorite Songs=
-Moonlight by Grace VanderWaal

-Super Rich Kids by Frank Ocean

-She's My Best Friend by Lou Reed

-What She Calls You<<< Ark (after the night you stopped Knox, in reference to the hero Joan of Ark),    Lover (Yes this is generic, but you and Chris are big Swifty's so it's actually in reference to Taylor Swifts song),

-What You Call Her<<< Girly (Just something she likes to be called),   Beady (You always thought she had perfect beady little eyes, so you called her that after her eyes)

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