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Author's note: Hellooo! I decided to write this as a chapter because I have ticsss! They're so funnn (just kidding, they're really not. But that's okay!) I hope if any of you have tics, this chapter means something to you. Tics are nothing to be embarrassed of. The people who judge and don't understand them are just ignorant. The sooner you realize that, the happier you will be. I love you guys so much, thank you for 9.6k readers <3

Neil Perry=

-When he saw them for the first time, he giggled. He said, "What was that, my moonlight?" You explained to them that you had tics and where they came from and why'd they occur. He found them so fascinating and wonderous, seeing them as just another amazing attribute to you

-Everytime they happen, he asks if he can do anything to help calm them down. You tell him no and ask if you can just hold his hand because it just made you feel better. He would smile sweetly and take your hand in his, kissing it three times

-He loved you wayyy too much to find them embarassing or weird. If you got embarrassed by them, in public, he'd kiss your lips and head, reminding you how much he loved you and how adorable you were

Todd Anderson=

-The first time it happened, he got nervous. He thought he did something to hurt you physically. But in the hopes to make him less nervous, you explained why you had the tics. After he heard all the facts and stories about the tics, he just held your hands and said, "I'm sorry for being so nervous at first. I got scared I hurt you. But now that I know I didn't... I think your tics are sweet." That made you feel better

-When they occured, he blushed at you. He really did find them sweet and a bit comical. You would blush as well, feeling his stare on you. "You're really cute." He'd whisper to you, kissing your cheek afterward. Gosh, he made you feel so alive and so much better

-When they occured in public at people stared, he'd stare right back at them, until they looked away. That was a bold move for Todd. The shy boy turns into an upstanding one for you. He loves you way too much to let people rudely stare at you in public

Knox Overstreet=

-The first time he saw your tics, he was shocked. He didn't really see tics, ever. Not even in films. He just read about them sometimes. So he knew why tics happened and what they were, but to see them was so crazy to him

-When they happened, he would look at you quickly, just to make sure you were okay. If you were safe and fine, he'd go back to whatever he was doing. Tics weren't a major deal to him so he didn't want to make you feel like they were a major deal. He'd just mind his own business

-In public, he'd do that same thing. If people would look at you, he'd wave and smile at them. "Kill them with kindness, lovebug. Kill your darling." He'd say to you, focusing his attention back on you, kissing your hand that he held in his. He made you feel so safe

Charlie Dalton=

-The first time he saw them, he couldn't control his laughter. He busted off his rocker, unable to stop himself. When he saw you were embarrassed, he immediately stopped. He apologized and asked about them, wanting you to feel loved and important

-After he heard about them, he sympathized with you much more and just began to accept the tics, not laughing at them anymore unless he felt comfortable doing so. Most of the time when he giggled, you got all flustered, also laughing. He'd kiss you to make you feel better

-In public spaces, he'd copy some of your tics, to make you feel less alone. When he didn't copy you and felt people staring, he'd look at the starers and say, "Need something?" He'd say it sternly and harshly, wanting them to feel as embarrassed as you did. You'd feel so protected after he did that. Especially when he pulled you into his side and under his embrace, protecting you even more from the rude onlookers. Such a sweetheart

Steven Meeks=

-He already knew what they were and why they occured and had seen certain people have them. So when you had your tics in front of him he just smiled and said, "I didn't know you had tics!" You then explained why you had them to connect with him on a more personal level. "I think they're beautiful, (Y/N)." He admitted to you, kissing your hand

-He acted like nothing happened when you'd have a tic. Sometimes, he'd notice when you apologized for them. He'd just hug you and kiss your neck, whispering into your neck, "Nothing to apologize for." He made you feel so much happier and so confident. He loved you so much and nothing changed the way he felt. Not even your odd movements or noises. Most boys would desert you in a second. But not Meeks. He's a real man, not a boy

-If people stared in public, he would just focus on you, not them. He'd make sure you felt comfortable, safe, and secure. If you didn't because those people made you feel insecure, he'd ask you if you wanted to go somewhere else. If you said yes, he'd take your hand and walk you out of that atmosphere. He'd take you somewhere to feel better and happier, kissing you and complimenting you. Literal dictionary definition of a sweetheart

Gerard Pitts=

-The first time they occured, he made an odd face. He then followed the odd face with a cute little laugh and a question. "Did you just have a tic?" Once you explained that you did in fact have a tic, he just said, "Okay. Thanks for telling me. I love you." You were shocked he was just so whatever about it. Most people were like, WHATTT??? THAT'S CRAZY!!! TICSSS!!! But he was just like ...okay. That made you feel good

-When they occurred more frequently, he would just ask if you needed anything or if he could help you. Once you said no, he'd just kiss you and hold you, making you feel incredibly loved and happy

-In public, when people stared at you stupidly, he would get really mad. He'd kiss you and say, "Just ignore them." But his anger would make you nervous which would make you have more tics. So he would calm himself down, he'd focus on you next. Making sure you felt okay. But 8.5/10, you didn't feel okay. So he'd remove you from the situation. Before leaving he'd look at the judgers who made you embarrassed and say, "Real nice, thank you. They're tics, dammit. It's not a bomb or a gun, it's a tic!" That person would then also feel embarrassed. That made Pittsie feel way better. Knowing that, that one person that offended you got karma in return and felt embarrassed, made him feel better. That made you feel better as well. He just wanted to protect you. He just wanted to help you. He didn't want people to be mean for you. Because in his eyes, you were totally beautiful and amazing. He didn't just see tics. He saw an amazing person he didn't deserve. He saw you

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