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Neil Perry=

-You sat behind Neil in Mr. Keating's room so it was terribly easy to pass notes. You never got caught, ever. You were both great at that, being stealthy at passing notes

-You both passed notes that included questions about what you were working on or answers as to what you were working on

-One day, you went to grab Neil's note. All of a sudden, a hand latch over it, snatching it. You jumped and took your hand quickly. "Thank you my younglings." Mr. Keating said, walking back to his desk with the note in hand. You didn't get it back till the following holiday season. Mr. Keating had framed it in a pretty black and gold frame with brown parchment paper and gave it to you as a gift. You had forgotten about the note and thought it was so sweet Mr. Keating had kept it for so long. Not only that, it was funny

Todd Anderson=

-Todd constantly passed you notes. Mostly, it was short poetry blurbs he wanted to remember but knew he wouldn't when it came time for him to write. So he wrote down his ideas and gave you the paper to hold on to for him. He knew you'd keep it safe for him

-Mr. Keating saw him constantly doing this and saw how you always gave him the notes back after class was over. So one day, he calls you to the front of the room. You were then forced to read all of the ideas to the class. Todd was almost crying in his seat, he was so embarrassed

-Once you finished all of the notes, everyone stood from their seats and began to clap. Todd still could not lift his head. Mr. Keating then spoke to him after class, apologizing to him for making him so embarrassed. Todd just couldn't speak

Knox Overstreet=

-Knox wrote you love notes. All of the time. Every class you left with at least ten notes

-You blushed at every single one, unable to control yourself. Everything he wrote was either adorably funny or genuinely sweet. Mr. Keating noticed how crazy Knox made you

-He looked up from his desk and threw a paper as Knox. Everyone laughed and then Mr. Keating said, "Can you write me a note too, lover boy?" That's when everyone REALLY laughed. They couldn't stop. Even you laughed, sinking in your seat, getting more red

Charlie Dalton=

-Charlie made it known he was passing notes. Being stealthy and secretive wasn't his thing to tell you the truth. He'd crumple up his notes and throw them at you, hitting you in the face

-Even though he whipped them around the room, Mr. Keating never really noticed. He just look the other way. For some reason, he rarely busted Charlie for doing stuff like that. He found that if he did discipline him for throwing a piece of paper at the love of his life, it was hypocritical

-But one time... Charlie missed. By a lot. And hit Mr. Keating in the face. That ended in an all out paper ball war. Desks were flipped for bunker space, teams were made, people were whacked with paper. Although Mr. Keating's team that included Meeks and Todd won most of the battles, you and Charlie's team won the war

Steven Meeks=

-Meeks constantly just wrote you notes that said 'hi' and 'heyyy babyyy' to make you laugh. They always did. After you laughed at the note you look over at him, only to see him already staring. That make you laugh harder

-Mr. Keating saw the way you looked at one another. It made him think of his wife back in London. He missed her so much. He envied you and Meeks

-One day before class dismissed, he did a lesson about love. His final quote that he left the class with was, 'If someone doesn't look at you the way (Y/N) looks at Mr. Meeks after he has handed her an unsolicited love note... they are not worth your time, not a single second, not a single breath.' You felt blush rising in your cheeks as Meeks looked over at you again, his eyes completely filled with love

Gerard Pitts=

-Pitts passed you notes with questions. Questions about how you were, the assignments you were doing... all of that

-Mr. Keating saw him doing that and didn't really mind. He knew Pitts struggled once in a while and he was just happy he felt comfortable asking for help. Many boys didn't because they feared it was a threat of their strongness or masculinity of some sort

-"Mr. Pitts..." Mr. Keating announced. Pitts looked at you, you shrugging in response. Pitts looked to the Captain. "Yes...?" He asked. "If you need assistance, you can ask me as well. I won't bite." Everyone laughed at his gentle joke, Pitts included. You squeezed Pitts' shoulder to comfort him and make him feel a bit better about asking questions. "Thank you, Captain." Pitts said, going back to his work

"Carpe Diem... that's seize the day." DEAD POETS SOCIETY PREFERENCES/IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now