"Have you heard the song Vienna by Billy Joel?" :NEIL PERRY IMAGINE:

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It was well past you and your roommates bedtime. Yet, you two were both laying in bed, wide awake. His eyes were shut. His eyelashes gently fell against each other. He played with his own hair and rubbed his finger tips against his own skin. The moonlight lit up his pale skin, making him shine. Sometimes, at hours like these, you questioned if he was a vampire. He shined bright like a diamond under the moonlight. Vampires shine under impeccable light.

Your eyes remained wide open. You couldn't sleep and couldn't tear your eyes from him, your roommate, Neil Perry. There was always tension between you both. Not bad tension. A sweet one. He took care of you and you took care of him. You were like a married couple without the lovey parts. Although you both wanted those lovey dovey parts. You were just too scared to admit it.

You needed to speak to him. You needed to hear his voice. You needed his laugh to tickle the thin tiresome air.

"Neil... Hey, Neil..." You whispered. He opened his one eye, a grin busting out on his lips. The truth is, you made him never want to sleep. He never wanted to close his eyes and relax and go off into dream land. Because you weren't there. Time spent sleeping was time spent without you near him. He simply couldn't live with that, nor could he live like that. He needed you in his present, his future, his past, and in his dreams.
"Yeah?" He whispered back, lifting his head from the pillow. He shielded his eyes from the moonlight, although you wish he hadn't. The moon turned his hazel eyes to a gentle green color. His eyes were like a fairy wonderland that you wanted to get lost in and never return.
"Have you ever heard the song Vienna by Billy Joel?" You asked him. In all honesty, that's what was keeping you awake. The damn piano and stupid lyrics about Vienna waiting for you. The more you replayed the song in your head, the more you sunk into its meaning. The more the song meant to you. The more it reminded you of him.

It speaks of someone who is striving for a good life within the depths of fame and fortune. Sometimes, you feared that would happen to Neil. He wanted to be an actor but at what cost would he leave everything behind and completely lose himself to achieve his dream? Or would he even contemplate losing himself and leaving everything behind? Your biggest worry, would he leave you behind? Would he stand in red carpets, do interviews, belt monologues out on stage, without you in mind? Would he leave you in the dust, only to choke on its particles and the memories you and him shared? That scared you more than the concept of never having a life or career or job of your own. Because life truly wasn't worth living if Neil wasn't in it.

"No, I haven't." He said, answering your question and interrupting your deep heartbroken thoughts.
"Well do you want to?" You asked him.
"Sure." He said. You scooted over in your bed as he walked over. He crawled under your bed sheets and covers, cuddling into the mattress, making himself at home. He placed his head on one of your two pillows as you placed an earbud in his available ear. You placed an earbud in your ear too. You took your position in bed, laying looking towards Neil, and shut your eyes. The key is and voice of Joel pulsed through your ears and zipped around your brain.

When will you realize
Vienna waits for you

The song sang for the first time. You reached out and began tracing Neil's facial features. His chiseled jawline. His large life filled eyes. His thin yet full lips. He smiled as you traced over his features a second time, and then a third time.
"I like it." He told you, meaning the song.
"Good. It reminds me of you." You told him, honestly. His eyes popped open and began to look deep in focus. He was tuning into each word and nose diving deep into their meanings. Neil began to blush. He looked up at you and his eyes dropped to your lips, and to your neck.

When will you realize
Vienna waits for you?

The song sang for the final time. Neil grabbed your cheek and pressed those thin lips to yours. You two moved in sync, holding one another tighter and tighter, practically scared of letting go. Eventually, they tore their lips from each other's. Their foreheads touched and their chests were huffing and seizing, moving rapidly. Neil held you close to his chest, running his fingers through your hair, his hands shaking.

"I think you're the love of my life." Neil gulped.
"All it took was a Billy Joel song for you to finally tell me?" You joked. Neil chuckled and kissed your smiling lips again. You pulled away after long enough time.
"You're the love of my life too..." You said gently. Neil just kissed you once more.

Whether Vienna waited for Neil or not, whether he became an actor or not, one thing was for certain. You were going with him. You were his person, his other half. He was taking you with him and you were going to live his dream together. Every interview, you would be there. Every red carpet, you would be there. Every show, you would be there. He didn't need Vienna. He had you instead. That was better than anything to ever exist in his mind. Better than fame, better than a career. He had you and your love and your compassion.

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