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Author's Note: Another suggestion from the lovely @_the_one_the_only_    THANKS AGAINNN!!!

Neil Perry=

-A literal gentleman. Look up gentleman in a dictionary, HE would be right in the definition, Neil Perry. Your parents were of course nervous to send you to your first REAL school dance, especially with a boy! This was sort of your first date. But once they knew Neil was taking you, they got just as excited as you. They knew he'd take care of you. Once Neil came to pick you up, he shook your parents hands and asked how they were, making perfect small talk. He also bought you a corsage. It matched his suit and your dress, both of your clothing colors meshing perfectly as one. You both then decided to walk to the dance and have your parents pick you up later

-He interlocked arms with you the entire walk to the dance, telling you how beautiful you looked, reminding you that you were going to look sooo much better than everyone else there. He asked if you were nervous, this being your first dance. He asked how you were feeling if you weren't nervous. He really just supported and loved you the entire walk to the dance

-Once you arrived, you basically danced and talked the entire time! Neil was a great slow dancer, turning you just right and twirling you around the wood floor perfectly. But when the quicker and faster upbeat music came on, he couldn't really move that well. He just moved awkwardly. Although the awkwardness was adorable and you liked watching him. If either of you got tired or hot, you would take a break and go for a lap around the gym, walking and holding hands. Maybe you'd stop and say hi to the boys, but mostly, he kept the night between you two. He asked you to be his date, so he treated you like his date. Like I said, he was a gentleman

Todd Anderson=

-A bit awkward at first because... Todd, but he was so fun! You two met one another at the dance. It was his idea and you just said 'yeah I'll meet you there' because you didn't think it was weird that you were not walking in together. It wasn't until later that your mother pointed out how strange that was. You still didn't think it was weird but your mother did

-When you walked in, it was like a trope from a movie. You saw Todd across the room, frantically speaking to his friends. His friends were obviously all hyping him up and helping him gain some confidence. But then they stopped. They saw you. You looked like a primadonna, more beautiful that usual. Your clothes hugged your body perfectly and your hair framed your face stunningly. Neil spun Todd around to look at you. Everything just froze and fell into time perfectly. You smirked at your boy, slowly walking towards him. You said hi to him then said hi to all of his friends. He just stuttered out, sweating with his smile growing, "You- you- oh uh you look great- I mean, beautiful." He then pulled a rose out from behind his back. A dark red rose to match his turtleneck. You took it, smiling and sniffing the rose. That was the only awkward part of the night

-The rest of the time was spent sitting on the bleachers of the school auditorium, behind a thick wall of decorations. You could see everyone dancing and running around having fun. They could not see you though. That made Todd feel much more comfortable and safe with you. He held your hand the entire night, stroking his thumb against the top of it, looking into your eyes totally endearingly the entire time. He let you speak practically the entire time as well but when he had to and wanted to, he talked and talked about himself. You liked when he talked about himself. He always did it so well. When he spoke, it just made everything so much fun

Knox Overstreet=

-Romanticcc alerttt!!! He picked you up in a limo. You were doing some finishing touches on your hair when you hear a LOUD car horn. You ran to your front window of your house and looked out. There stood Knox, leaning against the limo in his sweet cute stylish tux, a corsage in hand. He looked so nervous, fiddling with coins in his pocket and kicking rocks in the dirt. You ran out, grabbing your purse and running out your door. He looked up at you, blushing, a smile spreading all over his face. He stood up straight and watched you strut over. Once you made it to him, he hugged you tight and picked you up off the ground, spinning and laughing. "You look beautiful!" He shouted, placing you down. He then opened the limo door and helped you in. Once you guys sat, he pulled a large bottle out of the ice bucket. You thought it was alcohol so nervousness struck you. Until, he said funnily, "Sparkling apple cider on the rocks madam?" You blushed and sighed of relief, nodding

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