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Author's Note: Yet another idea from @_the_one_the_only_ love you, thank you so much for the amazing ideas

Neil Perry=

-Forces you to stay in bed. Literally won't let you leave. He wants to know you're in one place, you're safe, and you're waiting out your sickness safely

-All day when he's in class, he can't help but think of you. He'll call you on the payphones in between classes to check on you and tell you how much he misses and loves you

-When he gets back from class, he just holds you in bed. He reads to you, tells you stories from his day, and gives you lots of kisses. He only kisses you on the neck and cheek though. You won't let him kiss you on the lips out of fear of getting him sick as well. And he won't force anything upon you or force you to kiss him on the lips. You're sick and bummed out as it is, he didn't want to make you do nonconsensual things, even if they're just kisses

Todd Anderson=

-He helps you throughout the day. He is literally so kind and sweet. He brings you assignments you missed during your classes so you have something to do while you're in bed. He brings you crackers and water and juice just so you have something in your system. He opens all of your windows so you have fresh air and sunlight. That always helps him feel better when he's sick

-He brings you lunch and dinner and eats with you in bed. You both eat your favorite soup and tell childhood stories because you both had a ton. Mostly Todd told stories because you felt too tired and weak to speak. Although he wasn't a chatterbox, for you, he totally would be. There wasn't a moment of silence unless you wanted there to be. But you rarely asked him to stop speaking because he was actually so good at telling stories and keeping you entertained

-He helps you do all of your nightly and morning routines from your room. He brings you your tooth brush and floss, your face cram and face wash. He picks out your pajamas or your lounging clothes and puts your old clothes in the wash for you. He just tries to be as helpful as he possibly can. Husband material

Knox Overstreet=

-He uses it as an excuse to spend the entire day with you. He skips his classes, skips eating dinner in the dining hall, and really doesn't hang out with The Dead Poets. He just stays with you, talking and doing school work, and cuddling

-No matter what he's doing though, he has his hand in yours, his arm around you, his head in your lap, you in his chest. He is just always holding you and comforting you

-He helps you eat and drink and makes sure you get enough sleep. He rides to the local diner and gets you toast and some butter because toast and butter hits way different when you're sick. He also gets you dry cereal and Gatorade (or Powerade, whichever you'd like.) He just tries his best to keep you alert and happy. He hates seeing you sick

Charlie Dalton=

-Literally so kind and gentle, as strange as that is. Charlie is obviously a firecracker and a wild child but... with you, especially when you're ill, he is just so sweet. He helps you get comfortable in bed and kisses your forehead and cuddles you, constantly asking if you're okay and apologizing for the fact that you're sick

-He does your hair every morning and every night. He puts it in a low braid that's loose and makes sure it won't cause any discomfort or give you a headache. He helps you get in and out of the shower if you need assistance. He'll even wash your hair and blow dry it if you just don't have enough effort, energy, or strength to do so

-At night, he'll help you with all of your school work that you've missed. He'll hold you against his chest, kissing your head, explaining things to you don't understand or can't grasp because you missed the lesson that day. He'll make all of the poets say goodnight to you, which they happily do. And if he doesn't have time during the day to check on you, he'll send one of them on behalf of himself. He'll even give them a note to give you. The note most likely says 'I'm so sorry, I got caught up in a few classes. But I love you so much and I hope you're feeling better. If not, then fuck that sickness you have, you're stronger than it.' Most of the time, it's Meeks or Neil that comes to check on you

Steven Meeks=

-Mom mode, on. He takes your temperature, changes your sheets, makes you drink water, and gives you crackers if you don't feel like eating. He lines up medicines in your nightstand that you can take throughout the day to feel better. He writes you a note, a schedule, and reminders on when to take your medicine, when to eat, when to drink, when to sleep. He can't skip class to be with you so he wakes up twenty minutes earlier to sit with you, kiss you, hug you, and check up on you

-In those twenty minutes, he kisses your lips and holds you, apologizing because he can't be with you. He keeps coming up with things to make up for the fact he can't be with you. 'I'll do your homework later.'   'You can be little spoon when he cuddle tonight.'   'I'll be thinking about you the entire day'

-When school is done, he comes to visit you and spends the afternoon with you. He opens your windows and gets all of your favorite books, sitting at your bedside, holding your hand and reading his chosen books to you. Well that actually happens when you awake from your nap. You nap everyday at 3:00 p.m. because Meeks forces you to. He wrote it down on the schedule he made you. 'NAP AT 3:00 p.m.' Everyday, you wake up to Meeks rubbing your hair and stroking your warm cheek, kissing your head and neck. He purposely did that. He hated the idea of you waking up alone, sick and probably still tired. You already spent the enter day alone. He wanted to be there when you awoke. He loves being there because once your eyes fluttered open, you stretched and smiled in pure joy, seeing Meek's eyes staring down at yours. Thennn he'd read to you

Gerard Pitts=

-He just babies you and he LOVES doing so. He walks to the diner for a bunch of chicken soup, crackers, toast, and ginger ale. He then goes to the store and buys you plants and bouquet flowers. Once he returns, you finally smile for the first time that day, seeing his giant smile of pride because of how much he had achieved to make you feel better. You name all the plants he bought you, you put the flowers in a vass, and then he begins water all of your new plants

-He then cuddles with you. You lay your head on his thigh, dozing off as you watched television. He had spent the enter cuddling session writing. He wouldn't let you see what he was writing either. It was a bit discouraging but you felt so weak that you didn't have enough strength to argue. Eventually, you'd just fall asleep

-You'd wake up to him cleaning up your room and wiping down your windows. As random as that sounds, you had your windows open all day and they got all dirty. When he saw you were awake he gasped with a grin and said, "You're awake, baby!" He'd then pull out a giant shoe box of notes. That's what he had been writing all day. They were letters. Letters that you had to open when you felt sad, alone, sick, happy, excited, nervous, embarrassed... all of the traits. You cried at his loving effort to make you feel better. Best boyfriend ever

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