"Oh you mean your cool parents?" (pt. two) :THE DEAD POETS/CHARLIE DALTON:

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You were putting on your fanciest attire as you stared at yourself in your full length mirror. You could hear the boys downstairs by the front door, waiting for you to come downstairs and reveal yourself in your stunning outfit. Your parents had rented you and the boys an entire house to stay in for the next five days. They were staying in a house across the street. The house was absolutely beautiful. It was a bohemian style flat with spiral staircases, private libraries, tiny dining spaces. Your favorite part was the living room with the piano and the GIANT window, overlooking the city, giving a clear view of the Twin Towers. You couldn't wait to wake up on early mornings, alone, and to just drink your morning coffee while staring at all the taxi's driving by, waiting for the rest of the house to wake up. 

The day you arrived in that house, the boys all just stopped dead in the tracks in the foyer. They never had a house to themselves, especially not that beautiful. You laughed at them and told them there were rooms up the stairs and their names were on the door. They were shocked. They had their own rooms? They didn't go up the stairs though. They just began to SPRINT around the house and scream like lunatics. You went upstairs on the other hand, laughing at they went wild. Knox ran to the nearest phone to call Chris and tell her about the beauty of the house. Cameron took his own tour around the house and then walked to his bedroom, unpacking his clothes. Meeks and Pitts bolted around the library, touching all of the books, flicking all of the statues. Charlie ran to the top of the staircase and sat on the banister, sliding down the entire way. Neil ran to the window in the kitchen and stood on the dining table, screaming out of it, 'I'M FREE! I'M FREE! I'M FREE!' Todd stood behind him, laughing and cheering, clapping his hands. 

The night of the banquet, for some reason, you couldn't stop shaking from nervousness. Social gatherings with your parents pristine colleagues really wasn't your 'thing.' Their aquantinces constantly asked you how your life was and what your hobbies were just so they could tell you about theirs, or their kids, and how big of an achiever they were. You were happy the boys were coming with you this night though. 

Earlier that day, any time you got nervous, they would drag your attention to something else and make you excited instead. 

When you guys were driving down to New York, you were in the front seat of your car and Knox was driving, following your father. You were watching the road signs, following the bridges, letting the cool wind from the window tickle your face. Then you started thinking about it. The drinking, the loud music, the people, the fancy clothes... it started collapsing on top of you, terrifying you. Until, someone said, 

"Hey, (Y/N), I got a scratches on my fancy dress shoes. Can you help me get them out?" Neil asked, holding a shoe and a cloth out to you. You took the shoe and smiled at him, nodding. You two both began fixing the scuffs in the fancy leather as all the other boys sat in comfortable silence. There was only five of you in there. That's all that could fit. Knox was driving, you were in the passenger seat, Neil was in the back seat with Todd and Charlie. Meeks, Pitt's, and Cameron were with your parents. You guys took two seperate cars so everyone could fit comfortably, safetly, and not only that it was a long and annoying car ride. It was a beautiful one though. 

You guys stopped at a rest stop to use the restroom and get gas. Your parents went to use the restroom with Todd, Charlie, and Knox real quickly while the rest of you waited at the gas pump. You were shivering from the cold and shivering in fear as you leaned on the outside of the car. 

"We're going to tear shit up at this banquet tonight." Someone said to you. You looked and noticed it was Meeks. You began to crack up and you smacked his shoulder, laughing. You NEVER heard him talk like that, actually, you heard none of the boys talk that way. Not even Charlie! Coming from Meeks, that statement was just funny. He laughed with you as well, putting his arm around you and rubbing your arm to warm you up and calm you down. 

"Carpe Diem... that's seize the day." DEAD POETS SOCIETY PREFERENCES/IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now