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Neil Perry=

-A Room of One's Own

-Oscar Wilde poetry books

-All of Shakespeare screenwritings

=He likes to read the tragedies to you because he really likes acting out all of his pain and anger through them. 

Todd Anderson=

-Robert Frost poetry books

-Lord Of The Rings (all of them)

-The Hobbit

=When he found out the J.R.R. Tolkien books were burned and banned on account of certain religious leaders, he cried his eyes out and wasn't normal for numerous days. 

Knox Overstreet=

-The Great Gatsby

-The Age of Innocence

-Fifty Shades of Grey

=You mostly read Fifty Shades to make one another uncomfortable or to laugh.  You find absolutely nothing wrong with pleasuring yourself and BDSM... but both of you just found the writing so phony and strange. The author obviously isn't kinky like the characters in her book...

Charlie Dalton=

-Diary of a Young Girl

-The Moveable Beast

-Mein Kampf

    =After you two read Mein Kampf, you buried it six feet under in the Dead Poets cave. You both felt incredibly guilty for reading the autobiography of a terrible person. Sure, it was a piece of history but you still felt off about it. After it was buried, you never spoke of the book again. 

Steven Meeks=

-The Alchemist


-Life of Pi

Gerard Pitts=

-Slaughter House 5


-Animal Farm

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