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Author's Note: This is a super quick imagine but I just had this idea and HAD to make it into a story

It was a cold night during March and the boys all just wanted to have a super fun night in. They had no ideas so they turned to you, the creative friend, for ideas. You came up with a trivia game night. They all agreed and started drafting questions for the game.

They all came to your room right after dinner and scattered around. You and Charlie were team captains so you picked your teammates. He obviously picked Meeks first. You picked Pitts. Charlie picked Cameron, just cause he was smart. You picked Todd. He picked Knox because if Knox got picked last he would hide in his room for the next three weeks thinking he wasn't good enough for you two, even if you were just creating trivia teams. You then got Neil which you were happy about. He would be really good with the pop culture trivia category.

You and Charlie had to answer the question first. He picked the category which was music. Easy for both of you. The question... who wrote the song Peggy Sue? You both wrote down your answers and waited for Meeks to countdown so you could reveal your answers. You both got it right. Buddy Holly!

Pitts and Cameron went next. Category was movies. They had to finish the film quote. "I don't know what to do anymore... except _____ ___." The quote was from Rebel without a cause. Pitts remembered going to see it with you and Neil so he quickly jotted it down. Cameron just looked at the ground, his face red and his mouth open in disgust. Pitts revealed his answer. 'maybe die' was written down. One point for your team! Cameron just wrote 'HUH'. Everyone laughed at his answer.

Todd and Knox went up next. Todd looked at you and Neil, sweating and all red. Neil had to stand close to him for encouragement. You started SCREAMING and cheering Todd on. He giggled in blushed. Your team copied you in the cheering. You fell down and started bowing down to him, like you were worshipping someone. Well you were. You were worshipping TOD THE GOD. That's a nickname your team made to encourage him. As you bowed, you were all shouting, "TOD THE GODDD!!!" He could barely answer his question because he was laughing so much. All he had to do was explain how a 'box office' got it's name. That was an EASY question for him. Good ol' Todd was always studying on random drama facts. He did it to bond with Neil. Knox had no clue had to answer it. He just wrote 'box office <3' on the piece of paper. 

That's when everyone noticed that Meeks was getting heated. He was losing. He was NOT a sore loser nor competitive but with trivia games... with questions that were EASY for him but he couldn't answer because it wasn't his turn... he was FURIOUS. Everyone found it hysterical. No one ever saw Meeks so angry. Well, that was until it was Charlie's turn again. 

"Name the three properties of matter..." Meeks said, slowing breathing. You smirked and wrote them down, your entire team cheering you on again. Charlie looked at you, then Meeks, then his team. 

"Three properties of matter...?" He whispered in confusion, hoping someone would help him. No one could though. That would be cheating. So everyone just stood there, trying not to laugh, scared to face the wrath of Steven Meeks. 

"Yes, the three properties of matter, Charlie Dalton." Meeks said, trying to compose himself. You revealed your answer, continuing to not laugh. 

"I said- uh, I said solid, liquid, and gas." Everyone looked at Charlie. He covered his face and started hysterically laughing. He went to speak but his laugh stopped him. He fell back in his chair and clenched his answer to his chest. 

"What did you write?" Meeks asked, anger rising within him. 

"I can't- no- I can't show you." Charlie said, tears streaming down his face. He could NOT stop laughing. That made everyone else just confused. 

"Show us." Cameron said, being the most confused. Charlie slowly turned around his paper and opened his mouth, reading. No one let him finish though. Everyone either fell to the floor, laughing, hunched over, wheezing, or laughed so hard that their laughs went silent. Well everyone but Meeks. 

"I- I- I said Chicago, Los Angeles, and New York City." Meeks slammed his questions on the ground, falling back on your bed. He was the least bit impressed. Or amused. That was the EASIEST question ever. Not only that, it was a science question. One HE could've answered. 

"The THREE properties OF MATTER... YOU IDIOT! NOT THE THREE MAJOR CITIES! HOW DID YOU EVEN-" Meeks screamed at Charlie. 

"I DON'T KNOWWW!" Charlie screamed. Charlie tried to apologize to Meeks but couldn't. He was too busy cracking up at his stupidity. Meeks finally broke. He covered his eyes and began laughing, shaking his head. You were laying on Neil, trying to stand, but you couldn't because you were laughing to hard. Pitts was smacking the ground, not making any noise, due to laughing so hard. Everyone else was trying to stand up and control themselves, but they just couldn't. Especially Todd. He was clenching his ribs and crying hysterically from such amusement. 

These boys were the best thing to ever happen to you, just because of nights like this. These nights were the best nights ever. You wouldn't trade them for anything, not anything at all. 

&quot;Carpe Diem... that's seize the day.&quot; DEAD POETS SOCIETY PREFERENCES/IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now