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Author's Note: Another idea from the lovely @_the_one_the_only_ <3

Neil Perry=

-He likes helping you. He likes that he just gets to spend time with you. Even if it's time spent helping you get a different person, it's time spent with you, so he treasures it

-Although when the reality sets in that you don't like HIM you like someone else... he is honestly crushed. But he puts all of his pain into his acting. He thinks the pain makes him a better actor

-He never tells you how he really fears just out of fear of losing you

Todd Anderson=

-Helps you but cries himself to sleep every night because you want someone else, not his emotional sensitive whiny ass

-He doesn't try to drop hints to you, doesn't try to confess his feelings, and doesn't try to feel better. He just bottles up all of his emotions. He doesn't even tell the other poets

-One day he freaks out and confesses his love for you while screaming and crying (I can make this a preferences for all of the boys, or an imagine for Todd, if you lovelies would like that :D)

Knox Overstreet=

-He lets you know he likes you but decides he still wants to help you with your crush

-He only tells you once that he likes you and then you both never speak on it again. Every time he sees you, he asks like he never confessed. He always asks about your progress with your crush and if you haven't made any, he helps you out

-It hurts him to see you like someone else but he doesn't try to win your feelings over, which is out of character for Knox. He just wants to see you happy. And if he thinks your crush will make you happy, he'll get your crush to fall for you

Charlie Dalton=

-He makes TONS of jokes about how he has the hots for you but no one really knows if he's telling the truth or just being himself

-Anytime he gives you ideas on how to talk to your crush he finishes with, 'Orrr you could just date me and forget that chump.' You just laugh and smack his shoulder, thinking he's joking

-But he's not joking. At all. And everytime you laugh, his heart breaks even more. You don't like him, you like someone else. That KILLS him. He has never not had his way before. So to see he can't have you is the worst thing ever for him

Steven Meeks=

-Complains to the rest of the boys about how you like someone other person besides him. They all tell him to tell you how he really feels. He just can't bring himself to do it

-He is TERRIFIED of losing you as a friend and just terrified of you leaving him because he said something silly, like confessing his feelings for you

-He just suckers it up and helps you out, just hoping you'll be happy with your crush

Gerard Pitts=

-Only Meeks knows about his crush on you. Meeks always tries to talk him up and make him confess his feelings, but he can't do it

-He just encourages you and loves you as much as a friend can

-He cries to Meeks sometimes about how you don't want him but most of the time, he's strong about it

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