"Woah we're adults." :ALL OF OUR BOYS:

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^Song for this imagine. Don't play it until it says so. Thank you for reading. Love you guys^

You all sat outside around a firepit under the dark night with only a few stars spreading across the sky. You sat in between Meeks and Neil. You were dozing in and out of sleep, resting your head on Meek's shoulder. It was the day you all graduated. Yes, all seven of you graduated Welton, happily. Even Charlie. None of you could believe it. Earlier that day when you six stood in your robes in caps in the chapel of Welton, you couldn't help but look at all of your best friends and feel emotional. You all had ups and downs, great moments and terrible moments in that school. But you made it through. So much had happened to you all and you didn't exactly know how to feel about it. 

Neil got emancipated from his parents at age seventeen. It was the hardest decision of his life and there was tons of trouble with the court system, but he did it. He moved in with his grandparents who cut off their son (Neil's father) after what he did to Neil the night of the Midsummer Night's Dream production, and Neil's parents were forced to pay them two hundred dollars in child support each month. 

Todd's  hadn't spoken to his father since junior year when he broke the news that he wanted to major in English and go away for college. His father thought he was weak, and dumb for choosing that as a major. 'No man majors in English' he said to him. Todd hadn't gotten a happy birthday, I'm sorry, I love you, or anything from his father since then.

Knox had broken up with Chris. They just didn't work out. He wasn't crazy about girls and he found that out really quickly. He was just crazy about love in general. He decided that he didn't want anyone around him to go through the same thing he did and decided to work for a PHD in couples counseling. No one deserved to deal with heartache and heartbreak alone. 

Charlie found his hobby and what he liked to do with his spare time. He found out he liked designing, clothes designing to be more exact. He mostly designed gender neutral clothes and decided to go to school for design and then open up his own shop once he graduated. His parents didn't really care. They knew he wasn't going to be a banker or an accountant like they planned. They gave up on him and were sort of just proud that he was actually going to college and doing something with himself.

Meeks wanted to be an engineer and was going crazy applying to schools, taking tests, perfecting his work so he could be a credible scientist/engineer. His parents were so proud and supportive of him, which he found rare. But of course his friends constant support and love overshadowed theirs. 

Pitts got into management, band management to be more exact. He went to a concert and met a beautiful and smart woman named Linda who told him about two of her supporting tour partners. Now, he was working with a team on managing this newly formed band who is currently recording and touring. The band's name was 'The Eagles' and already had quite the following. 

You all sat in comfortable silence. You didn't go to your graduation parties, you didn't drink to get drunk and go wild, you all just sat there. You all privately remembered the great things you had done in high school alone. Now you were all going to college and becoming adults. Oh my gosh... oh my-

"Woah we're adults." You said, sitting up and laughing. The boys all laughed with you, sitting up as well. You all had planned to do something together but were putting it off. No one spoke of it. No one wanted to. 

College acceptance letters. 

You all took Dead Poets honors and swore to one another you'd open these letters together. Although the thing was, you were all scared to see what the results were. So you decided to be the brave one and bring up the idea of opening them now. 

"Carpe Diem... that's seize the day." DEAD POETS SOCIETY PREFERENCES/IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now