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Author's Note: I'm going to let you guess who gave me this idea... let's see if you really read my author's note... ily guys

Neil Perry=

-He was talking with his mother on the phone. You walked into his dorm room, noticing he was on the phone. So you guys politely sat on his bed, waiting for him to finish. You were honestly thrilled he was preoccupied. You didn't want him to see your red blotchy eyes yet

-You played with the seam of your shirt, listening to him talk to his mom about the most recent play he had the lead role in of course. You listened to his dress shoes scrap against the wooden floor. The sound was actually comforting. That's when he looked at you to give you a sweet grin, signaling he'd be off of the phone soon. You felt his eyes on you so you looked up, smiling back as well, trying to pretend your eyes weren't telling everyone who saw them that you were bawling hysterically a minute ago. But of course, your Neil, noticed. He told his mom he had to go and hung up. He ran over to you and put his hands on your cheeks, stroking your cheek bones with the soft beds of his thumbs

-"Please, tell me what's wrong. You never cry in private. You always come to me, darling." He expressed, kissed your nose and cheek bone. You felt your eyes welling up. They were ready to burst again. He kissed your hair and put his forehead on yours, continuing to rub his thumbs on your cheek. Then you told him. You exploded, telling him everything, while managing to hold in your tears. Neil held your cheek, preparing to rub a tear away incase it decided to fall. But he just let you talk. He let you complain. He let you just let all of your emotions go. He then just kissed your lips, your nose, your neck and pulled you into his side. "Come to me next time. We could cry together. I don't like you being vulnerable and alone at the same time."

Todd Anderson=

-You had been crying all day just because your emotions were heavy that morning. You had to leave every single one of your classes about midway through to lock yourself in a bathroom stall and just cry, then clean yourself up. All of the poets had noticed you had been leaving, your eyes looking heavy and your voice sounding shaky. Todd of course came to your rescue when you left during Keating's class. That's when he knew something was really wrong with you

-He ran into the bathroom, knocking on all of the stalls. He knocked on all of them but still knew what stall you were in because he heard you crying. But he didn't want to embarass you. So he pretended not to hear you. But once he knocked on your stall door, he heard you jumping off of the toilet and fixing your clothes and sniffing your nose. Then you opened the door. You smiled at him and tried to stop your lips from quivering. But... then you saw his fake happy look. You began crying again. He stepped inside of the stall, locking it behind him. He sat down on the toilet, pulling you close to him. You straddled his thighs and put your legs around his waist. You buried your eyes in his sweater vest and cried hysterically, shaking profusely, in his arms. He didn't speak. He just let you cry

-He then helped you out of the stall, after you finished crying. He wet a paper towel with cold water and tapped your eyes, helping the blotchiness go away. You had to admit, crying to him made you feel better. He didn't judge. He let you cry, kissed you occasionally, held you tightly, and would tell you how much he loved you. After that, he went and spoke to Mr. Keating. Although he was TERRIBLY nervous to speak to him, he did it because he had to for you. He told Mr. Keating about how you were feeling and how you just needed a break. He allowed you and Todd to cut all of your classes for the rest of the day, excusing you both from an absence. Todd then brought you for a walk all around Welton, making you feel all better

"Carpe Diem... that's seize the day." DEAD POETS SOCIETY PREFERENCES/IMAGINESKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat