"You can always count on me" :NEIL PERRY IMAGINE:

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You were running ALL around your dorm room only thinking one thing as you tucked in your shirt. You pushed your hair out of your face and stomped your foot into one shoe. That same single thought was soaring through your head. 'I'm going to be late, I'm going to be late, I'm going to be late.' 

You had to do a few community services hours for your college resume. What college requires community service, you might be asking. Well you personally had no clue. But you were applying to as many colleges as you could and this particular college required service hours. You were volunteering at the local library, just working in the back and organizing books, simple things. 

You ran out of your dorm and into your best friend Charlie's room. He was with Meeks and Knox, looking a bit busy. Being so late, you were going to ask one of them to bike you over to the library. You didn't have a bike because your parents figured you wouldn't need it. You're in school, what would you need a bike for? You should've guilted them into letting you bring your bike to school. But you weren't thinking long term when you had that conversation with them. 

"I'm so sorry, are you guys busy?" You said with plea in your voice. Charlie frowned and Meeks nodded. 

"A bit, we're sorry, (Y/N). Neil isn't though, from what I last heard." Knox said. Charlie and Meeks looked up at Knox, laughing and shaking his head. They knew something you didn't. But you couldn't bother in that moment. You sighed and slammed the door, sprinting to Neil's as you hopped around putting your other shoe on. You opened Neil's door and saw him sitting at his desk, writing with his glasses on. Such a beauty. You felt really bad asking Neil because you somewhat had a crush on him. Yeah, you were crushing on your best friends, well one of them. But he was your only hope. Hopefully Neil Perry, your dream lover and best friend, would save the day. 

"Neil, I'm so so sorry but-" He looked at you, stunned, then at his watch. He slid on his Oxford brown shoes and grabbed his coat, grabbing your wrist. You didn't even have to ask. He knew what you needed him for. That's a real best friend. That's also why you liked him so much. He was just so compassionate and knew EVERYTHING about you. No words needed to explain how you were feeling or what was wrong. He knew when you were happy, when you were sad, when you needed help. And you knew that about him too. You guys had a small form of telepathy or maybe you just really loved one another. 

"You're going to be late! Come on, I'll give you a ride." He got on his bike and helped you stand on his pegs. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and hung onto him as he began speeding up the road. You would occasionally have to yell, 'BE CAREFUL!' or 'SLOW DOWN PSYCHO!' He was really helping you out and you felt so lucky to have him in your life, helping you out life this. But it wouldn't matter if you were late to your community service hours if you were in the hospital from a bike crash. 

He parked his bike and helped you get off. You thought he would've shouted goodbye then biked off but instead, he grabbed your hand and tanked you up the library steps, and inside. You both sprinted to the help desk. The old woman there stood in confusion at you two out of breath teens, trying to speak. Finally you mustered out you were here to check in for the community service. The old woman giggled and gave you a sheet. You signed your name and then Neil signed his. You supposed he was staying with you now. Not that you minded, you just found it odd. Why was he staying if he didn't have to?

The woman gave you both books that needed new sign out cards in the back of them. You each got thirty books and when you had finished, she'd give you thirty more. You guys found a large table towards the back of the library, behind many bookshelves, almost hidden from everyone. You guys sat and began your work. You felt him occasionally look up at the books you were changing, or at you. Maybe he was just confused on what both of your jobs were. You didn't mind him staring. It just made you a bit flustered. 

"Thank you for giving me a ride, Neil." You said quietly but loud enough so you could be heard. He looked up at you and smiled weakly, shrugging. 

"You can always count on me." He told you. You blushed at the statement for some reason and looked down, going back to work. You wondered why he smiled so strangely and looked at you so weirdly. Something was wrong and you just could feel it in the air. So you decided to make your attempt at cheering him up. You rested your face on your hand, staring at the beauty before you. 

"Has anyone ever told you how nice you look with glasses, Neil? Like James Dean." You confessed, making him look up at you. His fingers flew to the bridge of his nose, the middle of his glasses. He giggled a bit at himself. He hadn't noticed he was still wearing them. So he adjusted them and looked up at you. 

"No one has ever said that to me, so I'm glad you were the first." He said. Was that... flirtatious? No it couldn't have been. Neil was just being nice. You blushed once again, clearing your throat and going back to work. Everything still felt off. Neil, the working, the conversations that weren't happening. 

Neil stood up and collected all of the books he had been given. He finished. Time for more workkk yay! He went to walk with the tub of books but he stopped in front of you, leaning on the table. He was going to say something. You were all ears. 

"But I can't be James Dean... I don't have you as a Pier Angeli or Marlon Brando by my side. And who was James Dean without them anyway?" He said, making you shocked. All of a sudden, you felt his lips on your cheek. It was a quick peck, one that caught you  off guard. Very off guard. But once the reality kicked in and he was swapping out his books, the reality hit. You couldn't stop smiling and you were biting your lips to stop yourself from giggling. He was flirting! You had never felt happier. Your legs began to swing and you felt hot. Your stomach filled with butterflies and you never felt so proud of yourself. You don't know where the sudden pride came from but you were happy to let it stay. 

Neil sat back down next to you. With a sigh he placed his books down and pulled his chair closer to the table. He grabbed a book from the giant tub and pulled it's card from it. You snuck a peak at him and noticed he was grinning just like you were. His cheeks were flushed and his ears were wiggling. He was just as happy as you. 

He turned because he felt your stare. Your eyes interlocked and your smiles grew wider. You couldn't handle it anymore. What you were about to do was meant to happen for a long time. You had wanted to do it forever. You finally had your chance so you were going to take it. Carpe Diem. Seize the kiss. 

You grabbed his cheeks in your hands and swooped in, making your lips interlock and move against each others. The kiss was sweet, slow, meaningful. For a first kiss, it was perfect. One from a fairy tale. His arms pulled you close to him and your hands slowly trailed from his cheeks, to his neck, to he shoulders, and stopping there. 

When you both pulled away, you began smiling and laughing a little. He kissed your cheek and forehead, then turning away. He got back to work. 

"Wait so- you like me?" Neil said, almost appalled. You laughed and pushed his shoulder, making him laugh harder. 

"Wasn't it obvious, stupid?" You asked him. He pulled you off of your chair and onto his lap, holding you by your waist against your chest. He rested his chin against your back and shook his head, feeling his head grind into your back. It actually tickled so you shivered, making him do it again to annoy you. 

"You hid it well but... I just couldn't hold back my feelings anymore. So I'm glad that worked out." Neil confessed. You turned to him and put your arms around his shoulders and neck, crossing your legs over one another. He just stared up at you, blushing and smiling. You kissed his nose and lips again. 

"I couldn't be happier right now." You told him. You worked sitting on his lap and with one of his arms around your waist for three more hours. Then you had enough hours for the day. You guys went back to Welton, walking in and holding hands. All of the guys saw. They all laughed and secretly congratulated you both with thumbs up and round of applauses from across the room. Meeks paid Pitts and Charlie ten bucks each. Why, you may ask. They all took a bet on when you two would start dating, before or after Neil's seventeenth birthday. Meeks said after. Pitts and Charlie said before. They obviously won the bet. But out off all the people that could win and lose, you and Neil were the most notorious. You had finally fallen for one another, and now everyone knew. You were just so happy

"Carpe Diem... that's seize the day." DEAD POETS SOCIETY PREFERENCES/IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now