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Neil Perry=

-He likes to stay in and watch Tim Burton and Wes Anderson movies.

-His favorite Tim Burton movie is Corpse Bride. After you finish watching it and before you begin the next film, he plays 'Victor's Piano Solo' and asks if you two can slow dance. You slowdance for multiple minutes and only stop because he got a cramp in his big toe.

-His favorite Wes Anderson film is Moonrise Kingdom. He can quote the character's Scout Master Ward and Walt Bishop's lines. He acts them better than the actor in the film does most of the time.

Todd Anderson=

-He likes to bake and invite Mr. Keating over.

-Shockingly, Mr. Keating's second favorite holiday was Halloween! He said it was because he liked seeing people get excited over silly things like candy and costumes. Mr. Keating was also a wonderful baker so he helped make the pies and make the pie crust. 

-Once all of the pies and cookies and cakes were in the oven, you'd three invite Neil over. Neil would then help make bread. Neil had this strange knack for baking bread. He burnt everything else, but he was a bread master. 

Knox Overstreet=

-He likes to go out to Halloween carnivals, Halloween pumpkin patches, all of the seasonal locations.

-He found them adorably romantic and liked to just walk around and talk to you, the love of his life.

-He always made you two get warm apple cider and then hit on the hood of his car, drinking it, talking about love and school and all random things.

Charlie Dalton=

-This man is a WHORE for Halloween costumes, makeup, all of the Halloween attire.

-He makes you do his makeup and help him with his costume. You guys have at least three different costumes for Halloween, one of those being a couples costume. 

-Charlie liked to dress up as movie villains or notorious celebrities. The Joker, Boy George, and Scarecrow. You two would then typically hide behind bushes and scare innocent kids trick-or-treating.

Steven Meeks=

-Meeks like to get all comfy in his blue jeans, sweatshirts, beanies, and scarves- then take you for a walk around the neighborhood. You watched all the innocent kids running around, getting excited about all the candy they got. You squealed at cute little babies in their adorable costumes, complaining about how bad you two wanted a baby. 

-He'd make you wear his Welton sweatshirt and one of his hats. Every ten minutes he'd kiss your head and say, 'You look so much better than me in my sweatshirt.' 

-He also carries you on his back anytime your feet get tired from walking. Such a gentleman. 

Gerard Pitts=

-He has a secret hobby he didn't tell you about till six months of dating... he likes to finger knit. No one else knows besides Meeks knew until he told you. He got embarrassed by it he knew knitting wasn't the most manliest of talents but hey, he was good at it.

-So he likes to spend Halloween finger knitting with you a Halloween themed blanket. You make a Frankenstein one, all green and black and silver for the bolts in his neck. Then you do a orange one for a pumpkin. You did a large piece of candy as well because... Halloween. 

-You found it adorable how he worked so hard on the blankets. Biting his lips, sticking his tongue out, squinting his eyes. All of a sudden he said 'Let's work outside.'

-You two went outside on the lawn in the darkness, only illuminated by a lantern right by your guys's thighs. Out there you continued to knit and Pitts would occasionally hum a song of some sort. As you finished the pumpkin blanket, he made you two took a break. You two laid on your back, kissing and holding one another, looking up at the dark night sky. 

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